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  1. Half Link

    The Galtbacken 18

    You just want one? :roll: I’m putting my order in right now for a thousand!! :D 8) Wow!! Just seeing it all put together and looking the way it does is just amazing!! I Checked the weather and it looks partly sunny with a chance of drizzle’s in the late afternoon and I called your...
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Thanks guys!! I’m getting closer to the final pictures but first I have to wrap up some unfinished business. After narrowing the seat to make room for the interior side panels I left the folding seat back unfinished. No longer. I grabbed some left...
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    Sitting Bull

    I Like It!!!!! 8) 8)
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done No new pic’s today just a bunch of thank you's to all of you for the complements and very kind words. :oops: Hope to post some new pictures soon! Thank you!! HL
  5. Half Link

    Bounce to the Ounce - FINSHED pics

    Unbelievably cool bike!! You really out did yourself on this! Everything about it is just way to cool!! Great Job!! 8) HL
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    iDood's Board Track Racer...

    Look’s Nice?? :roll: I think it looks Amazing!! 8) I so want to build one but I’m not sure if I could build a two seater so that my divorce attorney could ride with me!! :lol: So for now I will set back and enjoy your build! You are really doing some unbelievable work my friend! Keep it up...
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done OBX Jay, You couldn’t be more right!! It’s hard to keep my little buddy out of it!! :D :D The 2 wheel side of this is just a bunch of this and that all put together from different places, friends. local bike shops, the lhs and online. Sorry...
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Finally finished hand stitching all of the tanoue cover. Wow, I thought I would never get it finished. Just need to let it set in the sun for a few hours a days so it will truly take shape then I can get started on the aged look. The tanoue cover is...
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Thank you all for the the kind words and fuel to keep me going! :D Hey yoothgeye! I hope I’m not the only one that tried that voice when I read your post!! Loved it!! Ha Ha!! :lol: :lol: mikesbikes36 & Lonewolf thank you both for the...
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    The Galtbacken 18

    This has to be the most anticipated bike build reveal on the planet!! How do I know that because I (like others) have just read through all 17 pages again!! for the sixteenth time and I am still having a hard time believing my eyes! Amazing job buddy!! Can’t wait to see it all come together! :D...
  11. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Well, since my last update I finished cutting, painting and installing the inside interior panels. I cut and painted some leftover material to cover the pvc supports and then used some power grab construction adhesive to install the panels. That...
  12. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Thanks man!! They are 24's made by Skyway Wheels. Here is a link to there site. Later, HL
  13. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Thank you very much Lonewolf!! It has been one long project and I can’t wait to get it done. Everything that I have done on this build has been a first time thing for me so I’m honored that you like it! :D Thanks, HL
  14. Half Link

    The Hadouken Project

    Wow!! That is looking really good! Did you say this was just day 2? :shock: I'm Jealous! Keep it up!! :D
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    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Re: Led-Sled Sidecar Project - All Most Done Since my last post I have redone the seat back do to the fact that I didn’t like the way it followed the inner shape of the sidecar body. I added a pull loop (handle) to the top r/h side of the seat so that I will be able to easily fold the seat...
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    That would be the first class that I would want to set in the front row for! :D :D :D Professor Galtbacken...... She is beautiful!! 8) 8) Classes are starting this fall right?.......You might be on to someting there!! :shock:
  17. Half Link

    Greets from Germany and from my NoNamCustoms

    My guess on the lamp would be (down low) use the small one. You might even make a bracket that they both work on and try them both out? One way or another i'm sure it will look great!! 8) Later HL :D
  18. Half Link

    project "Old School"

    I really like the way the seatpost is laid back! 8) Did you bend that by hand or did you have someone bend it? I would love to build a bike with that look! :mrgreen: Nice job, I can't wait to see what you do next! Later, HL
  19. Half Link

    Trail Blazer... Completed (almost)

    Re: Trail Blazer... And so it begins (again) Pull the trigger!!!! 8) This is going to look really great!! I can't wait to see it after you slap on more paint!! 8)
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    '56 American : Finished (for now)

    Re: '56 American Look'n Good!! :mrgreen: Can't wait to see what's next!! :D