The Hadouken Project

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Aug 2, 2010
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Picked this up Monday.. unknown year Columbia Firebolt... now dubbed The Hadouken Project.. dubbed b/c of the whole Firebolt name and that me and my friends love some Street Fighter

overall projection:
springer fork.. not sure if i want a bent or non bent
nirve hello kitty white walls :mrgreen: done
cool grey frame done
black spokes and hubs done
the.. uhh... other part of the wheel painted orange.. maybe purple >:D done
rust, plenty of beat up metal and rust :mrgreen: done
some sort of a thin leather saddle
other unknown tidbits that i dont know about for right now

bike's not bad, just came in some neglection, not the guy i got it from. the bike came with the schwinn typhoon tires.. and also looks like schwinn rims and saddle as well, but i could be wrong.. that happens. It is missing the original tank, fenders, and chainguard (which looks like a ward?). I'm satisfied overall b/c a lot of the original stuff i would have just ripped it off anyways (probably not the tank)

the day it came





day 1 (FIRST FIGHT):

tested a flipped handle bar

frame sanded and ready for a GOOD paint job

the parts.. took off the cover to the saddle, running a black all metal one for now >:D

these wheels are in suuuch bad shape, i thought the bumpyness was from the crap paint, but actually was from the wheels being neglected by someone.. this was after trying to strip them myself.. but theyre going to be sand blasted tomorrow and hopefully that should clean them up

and so Day 1 comes to an end, the bike gets better

i feel like i keep forgetting stuff, but anywho... to me.. Rat Rod is a huge clunker thats all rusted or rough original paint with a bomb motor or something that, not flat black with red wheels or nice paint and chrome (sorry fellas! dont shoot me), but i mean we all have opinions. Now Rat Stylz to me is a laidback, chill lifestyle. Now as you can see, the original paint to me was just EW.. i hated it.. it had to go, but i didnt want to run an all sanded down bare metal frame this time around as well (maybe one day >:D).. so for now...... well just proceed down
thanks guys.. we borrowed a body shop's mobile sand blaster and are giving the wheels a good treatment of love and tender 100psi care :)

as for what else i've done? ONTO THE NEXT FIGHT!
vwnthusiast said:
white rims and black spokes/hubs is freaking HOT.. just sayin'
Post pics man! :p

did someone say PICS?

Day 2 (FIGHT 2):

soo today was sand blast the wheels (no pics of that sadly enough), paint, and cleaning up more parts


here's the paint scheme cool grey, black spokes, chevy orange rim

a lil more of a close up

took the seat post, the crank, and the pedal and some grade 3 steel wool and scrapped off all the gunk and junk off them.. what ever was rusted bad, i tried to sand to metal but if nothing, i left it.. i LOVE the look of the beat up cold steel of all the metal bits now.. it really really gives that rat look to me

my favorite thing, took this Bendix looking thing.. and well you'll see in these next two pics


still need to touch up the wheels, the black will probaby have some slight specs of overspray from the orange them and i like it :D, gonna grease/lube errthing and start putting it back together here soon.. i hope i dont mess up the paint putting the tires on.. any tips here?
Half Link said:
Wow!! That is looking really good! Did you say this was just day 2? :shock: I'm Jealous! Keep it up!! :D

yea hahahaha.. picked up the bike sometime Monday afternoon and looked over the bike and chatting my bro while he was working on his wife's ross cruiser and i was working on the AMF Hercules fixie. I leave for school down in Savannah (SCAD) on Friday so the bike will be 70% overall done (i want a springer, new saddle, and grips) by tomorrow.. pics will be up for sure
end of Day 3.... the bike is put back together and running >:D... no photos as of yet.. i was on teh rush as well to get my car prepped and ready for the long haul to Savannah, GA for another lovely 10 weeks of Industrial Design studio classes.. i promise to get a proper shoot when down there this weekend

the rear hub has some left and right play that i do need to fix while my dad is around... by the way which big round of applause to my dad for helping me out with my car and bike to get it dis and reassembled and together in just 3 days time

so for now.. the tournament continues!!!!!!!!!

Looking at this frame again, it would've been cool to bend the rear rack, either roll it up in the back like a wing/spoiler or roll it down to match the curve of the wheel.
vwnthusiast said:
I leave for school down in Savannah (SCAD) on Friday
I was just in Savannah and Tybee island last weekend! Saw a couple of old straight bar Schwinns parked near the Lucas theater.
Good luck at school!
We'll have to ride the next time I get over to the coast.

P.S. I'm a VW guy too!
Dr. T
Dr. Tankenstein said:
vwnthusiast said:
I leave for school down in Savannah (SCAD) on Friday
I was just in Savannah and Tybee island last weekend! Saw a couple of old straight bar Schwinns parked near the Lucas theater.
Good luck at school!
We'll have to ride the next time I get over to the coast.

P.S. I'm a VW guy too!
Dr. T

awesome.. im down for a ride for sure!