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  1. N

    Another Monark possibly Silver King???

    Finally you guys are giving me some ideas...I thought this one had you stumped :mrgreen: Here's a thought, notice the head light (gonna take it off this weekend) in the pictures and notice that it is mounted on a front hole, but clearly there is a rear hole in the fender. That kinda suggests...
  2. N

    paint removal

    I took some paint off of my Monark Chain Guard over the weekend with De-natured Alcohol and a Scotch Brite pad. Worked great, exposed the Super Deluxe decal without any problems.
  3. N

    Calling It Quits

    Congratulations on your retirement! I'm counting down the days myself...less than 2 years if all goes well. Kinda sounds like prison. I didn't take the 30 years in one place/job route, but my brother did and retired when he was only 50! You guys are getting harder and harder to find, but that...
  4. N

    Another Monark possibly Silver King???

    I picked this up and the guy said it is a Monark Silver King. It has the Springer Fork on it, but some of the parts are not familiar. The Model # is 4106X and the Serial number is 0152013. Here are a few pics Any help on the year and style?? Thanks
  5. N

    More Monark Pics to help the ID...really looking for a year.

    This one should be easy. The Model number is 4400 and the Serial number is A1071115. It appears to have been originally Red or Maroon with the White and Gold decals. Some genius painted it blue at some point. Here are a few pics
  6. N

    The devil made me buy it... and pictures at last!

    Heyslugger, How did you call and order the truss rods?? You're post isn't very clear on that point. I'd like to order some bars too. Thanks
  7. N

    Once again, a Monark Springer fork PROBLEM

    J B Weld??? My local welding shop calls that stuff......
  8. N

    Information about parts, etc.

    Yeah, your hub stuff is the perfect example...and I mentioned the How To threads here...glad someone responded. Thanks
  9. N


    Off to the local bakery :mrgreen:
  10. N


    Axe, First and foremost.....nice work! Those Coca Cola HBs are the bomb...if people still use that term. The "pink" as you describe it is what I've been talking about on some of my brass pieces. I thought that somehow, the copper in solution was plating itself onto the brass piece. I'll give...
  11. N

    Monark Deluxe??

    Yeah, I got some great pictures in natural light and can read the "Super Deluxe" underneath the blue house paint (blue looks like the color Monark used...I've got another blue and cream Monark...the paint on that one looks original and the blues from both bikes match.
  12. N

    Information about parts, etc.

    I've been to the NBHAA website, and read stories here about how the site is run. I've read the lenghy "rules" and have explored the site and think that even with the experiences some have had with the curator, this is an invaluable service. The amount of available data is an incredible...
  13. N

    Monark color combinations??

    Is there a place or does anyone know of the color combinations Monark used in the early 50s?? I've got a Super Deluxe that was house painted "Monark Blue" for lack of a better description. When I pulled the cowling and tank, it was red, deep red, almost maroon. The decals (what's left of...
  14. N

    replacement burrito build

    It's not a project until it tastes blood.....
  15. N


    Just brought him home....
  16. N

    Does anyone remember Firesign Theater?

    The previous message was sponsored by "Loosener's Castor Oil Flakes"...."It an no use if you ain't got the boost, the boost you get from Loosener's"...
  17. N

    Does anyone remember Firesign Theater?

    I'm still waiting for the electrician...or someone like him! RIP Peter and thanks for all the twisted thoughts.
  18. N

    Took the Killer Diller out for a ride

    How was the pedal up the hill?? Real nice bike.....
  19. N

    Rust is the new Black 1946 Canti

    You're kidding right?? You know the guy who does this??? Holy undershirt!
  20. N

    Rust is the new Black 1946 Canti

    What brand and color paint did you use for the "rust color"..Did you clear coat over it?? I'm assuming the black went down first?? Thanks, nice've given me some inspiration..