Calling It Quits

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Sep 21, 2006
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Just wanted to share this major "life event" with my friends here. As of this past Monday I'm retired from my job of 31.5 years. What a stressful month or so it's been leading up to this point and a pretty emotional time once I left. The hardest decision I've ever made. This is the only job I've had in my adult life as I hired on right after high school. My work place has been so much a part of my family's lives.
Although I loved my job, some changes I didn't like and I wanted to leave before it took more of a toll on me physically. I'm retiring earlier than I should but it's a risk we decided to take.
I used to have money but no time, now I have time and no money and the time is getting shorter and shorter as the honey-do list is getting longer and longer.

Was an interesting job. Over the years on the job I've seen death, drugs, sex, violence, domestic violence, the poor, the rich, roaches, criminal acts of all kinds, devastation from tornadoes and storms, some really neat places that are off limits to most. Done work for President Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney, Russian President Boris Yeltzen, a few celebrities. Been dog bit several times, way too many wasp stings to count, flea bitten, fallen off poles a couple times, near frostbite, near heat exhaustion, couple vehicle accidents.

Was an exciting time to be a phoneman. Got to see a lot of changes in the technology and industry. When I started it was still Ma Bell and a monopoly. There were still party lines and Touch Tone was optional, you couldn't go buy a phone. During my career these were introduced... the fax machine, cordless phones, calling features like call waiting and caller id, dial-up data, internet, fiber, wireless, broadband, voip, broadband tv.

Photos from my latter working years once I had a camera phone.

















Reading the headline, I thought you were out of bikes. :wink:

Congrats, There are very few who have one employer during their career anymore.
cman said:
Reading the headline, I thought you were out of bikes. :wink:

Congrats, There are very few who have one employer during their career anymore.
Yeah that's why I titled it like that. Otherwise nobody would read :D
Thanks on the congrats.
Yes you're right. Jobs like I had are a thing of the past. My Daugther has more jobs in one year than I've had my entire life.
Early retirement sounds like a good thing Randy. :D

I guess you can chat with Uncle Stretch on how to survive on Twinkies and old western movies now.

Looking forward to seeing your new adventures now that you have more time. :D
Thanks Steve. Thanks Dr. T.

Yes I was thinking about Uncle Stretch. Don't forget about nap time also.

Part of my reasoning was also to have more time to spend with family and especially my parents while they and I can still get around good enough to do things.
Now... if you see me selling off bikes, it's not because I've lost interest, but because I need the money. And if I disappear from here, it's not because I've lost interest, but because I didn't sell enough bikes to pay the internet bill :lol:
more time for bicycles, & other things important in life.
congrats,man. i've been retired 14 years.[7/2/98].
Congratulations on your retirement! I'm counting down the days myself...less than 2 years if all goes well. Kinda sounds like prison.
I didn't take the 30 years in one place/job route, but my brother did and retired when he was only 50! You guys are getting harder and harder to find, but that kind of commitment and dedication was worth something once. Again congratulations...enjoy the year or so you'll sit around....and the part time job you'll probably take to support your bike habit :mrgreen:
Congratulations Randy!

Enjoy all your time with your family .. Don't sweat the money :wink:

Thanks for the pics.... Women breaking in to the utility room in little more then there underwear doesn't happen everyday :wink:

The jack full of roach stuff :shock: :shock: hope you didn't bring that one home. :roll:
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and comment.

wheelymarko said:
Did the squirrel turn around? Good luck with Your free time Joe...

I don't believe he did. Sometimes they'll whiz by with in inches of you and other times find another route like jumping to back side of pole and then on around.

The squirrel is a phoneman's arch nemesis. Look close here and you'll see where he (they) been chewing the insulation of the strand/support wire.

A co worker once opened a terminal similar to the one here (black box) and a squirrel jumped onto his chest. The squirrel had chewed a hole thru the plastic and was nesting inside.

Reminds me... also had to deal with ants a lot. In addition to wasps and squirrels, these same aerial terminals will be full of them sometimes. The ones on the ground with mice and rats.
Congratulations on your retirement Randy!
I have a feeling you'll find something to do that you've always wanted to do, like videography or something.
I'm sure you could teach kids how to work on their bikes. But in the meantime, I hope you relax and enjoy.
Going to the movies sure looks fun. :D
CONGRATULATIONS RANDY !!!!! Over 30 years with one company WOW, and to be so young. Of course I thought you should have retired some time go. Now relax, mind the honey do's, enjoy family and life.
Oh yea, now with all the extra time, you got to find a HOBBY.
Yep know the feeling. I retired at 55 . Was too early , but after almost 6 years , I know I made the right decision. I seem to have as much or more money than I had. Just paid $11,000 cash on a new Chevy Silverado. The good part is it only gets 14 miles to the gallon , but a tank full lasts me two weeks. I like new and paid for. My best decision was to smash my watch with a hammer and then I made two rules. If I'm hungry I eat and if I'm tired I sleep. I am no longer in step with the rest of the world. I have no concept of the date. People tell me to have a nice weekend....ha ha they are all weekends. Someone mentions the word JOB I mention the phrase BITE ME! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok Third wife...seventeen years younger than me. Kinda like my 401K :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh yeah and a nurse to me when I'm decrepit too ....yeah a foot rub would feel nice.
I can see her eye's rolling right now after reading that last line...ha ha! :lol: