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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. K

    Pesky Pesky Cassette Removers - Solved

    Hey all, I'm staring to feel like I post in this thread to much. Haha! I should really get a build diary going. I want to overhaul the rear hub of a 5-speed '73 Schwinn Collegiate but I can't for the life of me figure out what freewheel remover I'm supposed to get. I think it's the FR-4...
  2. K

    Hub Service Help Needed!

    Thanks deorman! Worked like a charm. I figured thats what you had to do. The hub's re-greased and lovely clean.
  3. K

    3 British Finds - age estimate of Raleighs appreciated!

    The ladies AMF Hercules and the Rahleigh Sports should have a two digit number on the rear hub on the lower right side of where it says Sturmey Archer. That's the year the hub was built and unless the original hub was replaced (unlikely) the year the bike was build as well. I love Herculese...
  4. K

    Rodding in Michigan

    Detroit. :) There seems to be a good number of GR rodders! Keep on the lookout.
  5. K

    Raleigh fenders on a Schwinn S6 wheel?

    Haha I didn't think to take em. I've got a set of my own coming in the mail and I'm working on overhauling the rear wheel right now so I'll have to put some up when I'm done!
  6. K

    Hello from Holland

    Can I just say you not having a license at the age of 43 is totally an inspiration to me? Rock on people without licenses!
  7. K

    Rodding in Michigan

    Hey a fellow artist, custom bike lover AND a Michiganian! Welcome Welcome! I just got into repairing and restoring bikes a month ago. :) Where in the state are you?
  8. K

    Raleigh fenders on a Schwinn S6 wheel?

    Well if anyone else is interested, its confirmed. Raleigh and any other raleigh made bicycle fenders fit Schwinn s6 wheels. If anyone ever wants to add a bit of extra class, I personally think these fenders look great.
  9. K

    Hub Service Help Needed!

    Ok, this may be absolutely silly of me but I've never serviced a hub or any ball bearings on a bike before. Bear with me, please. (ooooh unintentional pun!) I'm working on a Schwinn '73 Collegiate and I can't figure out how you get the bearings and the casing out of the front hub. I've already...
  10. K

    Hello from Detroit!

    Thanks guys! I'm really glad to have found such a helpful and friendly forum! I've been pouring though all the threads for days now. So much to learn and inspire all in one place!
  11. K

    The Rose City Rocketeer

    This is going to be one seriously sweet bike! What color scheme were you going to go with? Same as the chain guard?
  12. K

    Raleigh fenders on a Schwinn S6 wheel?

    Or any of the english 3-speed models for that matter. I love the beautiful fluted and scuplted look of old Raleigh fenders and the chrome on my Schwinn Collegiate fenders is really shot. Has anyone swictched em out? I put the front fender from my dad's 71' Raleigh built Hercules on my Schwinn...
  13. K

    Hello from Detroit!

    Hey guys! Even though I've loved riding bikes since I was little, it was only last summer that I reallized how much! I have no drivers lisence and I like it that way, biking, good public trans, and buying people dinner for car rides is how I roll. I've decided to really throw myself in to...