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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. W

    BO15 'Beatnik Bombita'

    You're correct. He added the lower down tube and filled in tank area. It is truly a unique piece of bike history. ;^)
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    BO15 'Beatnik Bombita'

    Hey Guys, Sooooo, this COVID crap is sure slowing up the distribution channels for parts! Can't wait until this stuff is behind us and things are back to normal, I'm sick of this 'New Norm'... I received the beachin' (yeah I said it although just a tad bit differently to avoid censorship)...
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    Deluxe Frankinspace

    What he said! I don't even have my parts yet...
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    BO15 'Beatnik Bombita'

    Adrian, I'm so happy that you are a contributing team member and am excited to receive those beautiful forks you are forging! They will be a very crucial component of this project. ;^)
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    BO15 'Beatnik Bombita'

    Hahaha... bubble top on a bicycle how absurd! Oh but is it? Only the Shadow knows! ;^)
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    BO15 'Beatnik Bombita'

    Hey Everybody, Sorry for the lengthy description but I really want everyone to understand what we're planning here. I've built custom motorcycles and cars but this is my 1st attempt at designing and building a custom bicycle. I'm pretty excited about it and glad that this Build Off exists. ;^)...
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    New to the Forum - Intro

    Thanks Man!
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    New to the Forum - Intro

    Hey, I'm a S. CA native and enjoy anything with wheels or wings and some things that are on boards in the water and on land. I love restoring cars and have done many over my lifetime and a few motorcycles as well. I'm new to the custom bicycle arena and have been involved with a few groups in...