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  1. C


    Is there a color Number of metal flake..........Curt
  2. C

    Ratrod bicycle trailer and soapbox

    A big hot slag will burn right through them nylon shoes, deep hole in the foot, forever to heal.......Curt
  3. C


    I had a factory made Monark motor bike when I was a kid, jackknifed in soft sand. My dad took it to a body shop and had it put in a press, and press it straight, road fine after, being about 16 I road the snot out f it..........Curt
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    Going Nowhere Fast

    Very much so! No more look back over you shoulder driving.........Curt
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    Going Nowhere Fast

    Same as me I also have 28 yrs............Curt
  6. C


    True, but they stopped using it I think, I have a 2017 and there was no mention of under coating ...........Curt
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    That is bad stuff, I had a new 86 F150 and after a few years it started rusting under the coating and it held moisture for more rust, saved the motor and trans. the rest is in rust bucket heaven...........Curt
  8. C

    Is this Monark worth the price?

    By it you will never get another, and will be worth more later down the road, I have most parts for one, except tank and guard.........Curt
  9. C

    Is this fork backwards? And is the price of the bike worth it?

    LOL, I use this method to straighten out a tree. I built a covered bridge across a creek at my lake place, and it was to close to the roof, tied the rope to the base of one tree and up high to the tree I wanted to move. Got it bow string taught and tied it off from turning, and let it set, every...
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    Vintage American flyer

    I had a factory made Monark motor bike back in the 50's, the motor mount was clamped on the frame and had rubber in-between. It had a drive pulley like a Whizzer with no changes to the frame. I blew the motor in it and put it back to a normal bike after that, not sure what Whizzer had for...
  11. C

    Let's get on it- aka High-larious

    I had a tall bike when I was a kid, LOL news paper add. They are so much easier balancing, this picture was take with a flat tire and just barley moving...........Curt
  12. C

    Ratrod bicycle trailer and soapbox

    Don't make them straight, you got to have camber and caster in the steering. Look it up even go-karts have it..........Curt
  13. C

    Vintage American flyer

    With the brake arm and notch in the rear fender sorta indicates a motor bike frame.......Curt
  14. C

    Adult Trike who made it?

    Take the set screws out, if it is a roll pin get the proper size punch to get them out. Then get some ribbon emery cloth, or rip some emery cloth to narrow width, clean end of axle to bare metal. DO NOT BEAT THE END, if it had been beat or mushroomed file it down. Then start soaking it with...
  15. C

    How old are you!!

    I will be 82 oct1st, still ride everyday not far, but just to keep limber...........Curt
  16. C

    Root beer float

    Sounds like everything you by you are paying for it!...............Curt
  17. C

    I need advice on this fork issue

    What makes it really strong is rosette welds above and below the seam, to the inner sleeve, actually strong then the seem weld itself........Curt
  18. C

    My random finds

    My guess would be they hit something and bent the fork back, and beat the frame in to clear the tire.........Curt
  19. C

    💸Captain Awesomes Fresh Finds/General Ramblings

    I can remember back in the 50's they use to call the chain Power or speed chain, that would be the skip tooth or regular, don't remember witch, but now reading this, skip tooth would be faster?? LOL lot of years ago........Curt
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    the I'll show you OFF TOPIC bike thread

    LOL how about this one.