I’m trying to find out who made this trike? How to get rear wheels off? I can’t find anything online. Found one that was close, but not with the red eagle in the background. Plus nothing on how to take these wheels off. Thanks for any knowledge.
Looks like they're held on with split pins. The keyway must be for the sprocket, I guess. I'd start by applying very light (or penetrating) oil on everything that looks rusty. Then (gently if possible, to avoid spreading or mushrooming the pin end) tap out the pins with a suitable punch.
Take the set screws out, if it is a roll pin get the proper size punch to get them out. Then get some ribbon emery cloth, or rip some emery cloth to narrow width, clean end of axle to bare metal. DO NOT BEAT THE END, if it had been beat or mushroomed file it down. Then start soaking it with penetratingly oil, I like sea-foam deep creep. Then you have to get some kind of puller to get behind and pull on the hub.............Curt
OK folks all the replies were helpful. Thank you so much again. So if there is in two daughters, I got my. Adult trike. Since I’m broke, I use their old bikes they don’t want.. but I got this bike for 40 bucks. It’s all original except for the neck and handlebars were not there when I got it. Found out what was wrong. So now it is rideable. Know what should I do?? Rat rod it like i thinking? OR make something cool? Is it worth saving original stickers paint job? Let me know folks I love ideas! Hope you’re all having a great journey through life.