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  1. OutlawAlice

    J.C. Higgins - 26" Mens

    Not yet, but this might give you an idea! (Not really. Sucker is 5,000 lbs. Does 13.29 in an 1/8 mile) It's prolly doing 75 or 80 in this pic. It's still got it's original drivetrain with a '58 Caddy tripower.
  2. OutlawAlice

    Bikes Galore

    What is a "loop tail" on a BMX?
  3. OutlawAlice

    Sweet 60's Vicky

    Scored this today at a yard sale. Only thing missing is one of the wire braces on the front fender. Lights, horn, dynamo and seat with toolbag all in primo condition. $30 for it. Gonna get a bath and a tune up. I want to do a little research on it. Anybody know anything about these German bikes?
  4. OutlawAlice

    J.C. Higgins - 26" Mens

    Uh no sir! That's MY bug! :lol: I'm a gearhead. I built my bug from boxes of parts. It was a washed out shell with no title when I got it. It was stripped to nothing but a body on the pan. Here's my other (main) addiction.....well, something else with wheels...
  5. OutlawAlice

    J.C. Higgins - 26" Mens

    A colorflow! Good luck to us finding those sweet fenders and tank! Oh well. Treasure hunt time! And thanks! Hubby was stunned. He's been staying up late painstakingly cleaning it up. :mrgreen: I'm excited for him!
  6. OutlawAlice

    Raleigh MX and another Raleigh BMX

    I've got these two old Raleighs. i want to sell them but I need to know what they are and ANY information I can get on them. Thank you !!!!
  7. OutlawAlice

    J.C. Higgins - 26" Mens

    This was my husband's Father's Day gift. I want to get some ideas on what exactly it is and some info on missing parts. I will be getting the numbers off of it and hoping someone here can cross reference them to know exactly what it is. I'll also be browsing the classifieds for parts! :D
  8. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Oh yeah! I'm thinking purple and blue Royce Union with a fuzzy seat... :mrgreen:
  9. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Sweet score from Turtle64~ Thank you Turtle! I think these will go on my Royce Union....
  10. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    The basket is HUGE! Todd could pedal, and I could ride in the basket WITH an ice chest! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
  11. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Hubby's new toy. Worksman trike. Couldn't find much info on this model. Amazing ride. Couldn't believe how well I could pedal it uphill! :roll:
  12. OutlawAlice


    I don't know a thing about Worksman bikes, but I'm gonna need to learn. Today's new addition....
  13. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Oof. Noooo....I'll just be a reddish smear on the side of the caddy. The Ross is going with me since Ellis is striping it for me. We worked out a trade - I designed him a logo for him to stripe the Ross. I just gotta figure out how to get it on the squareback. :? :? :? :?
  14. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Next project - me jumping the caddy on said "Evol" bike! :lol:
  15. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    My Mother's Day gift!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Thank you baby! I love you!!!
  16. OutlawAlice

    Murray High Jinks Pedigree

    This is one of my bikes and I remember seeing them as a kid. Now, There's even very few google images of them and hardly any info. I got the bike for my son, who doesn't like it. :roll: I'm undecided on sell or fix. My "fix" is not new paint, etc. It's a good tune up, new pedals and tires and...
  17. OutlawAlice

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    Re: Loving the color scheme!
  18. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    I haven't. I'm going to take the bike to Kip at Lucky Bike instead. I'm looking for another boy's bike for Logan. He doesn't like the Murray High Jinks even though it's uber rare. So I guess I'll sell it. :roll: The cup holder was already on a little Schwinn we had. :D
  19. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    It is! Yep, I ran across Lucky Bike while trying my best to get lost on a lunch break from the shop. Got my eye on a couple of things and I'll be taking a couple of mine there for some advice and parts. I'm taking my gold Ross to our show. Stuart Ellis is gonna pinstripe it for me!!! :mrgreen: