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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. M

    Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

    i sure hope he does right by everyone ....
  2. M

    Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

    so anyone get anything yet ??? hope so.. seems like he is tryin to do right ... :D
  3. M

    Call all Machinist or someone with a lathe

    long as u got what u need !!!
  4. M


    oh ....tin left ???
  5. M


    what joke ...what other site ....12 year olds i thought i was the only one here !!!! CRAP :mrgreen:
  6. M

    Call all Machinist or someone with a lathe

    im guessin inside diameter has no measurment,or dosent matter??
  7. M

    Call all Machinist or someone with a lathe

    hey let me talk 2 my dad .. may b able 2 hook ya up ...ill let ya know !!!MIKE
  8. M

    1980 Schwinn cruiser 5

    i had one of those 2 yrs ago ...traded it 2 a buddy for 5 bikes ...he still has it and swears its his fav bike.. didnt one just sell on here for 300 bucks???
  9. M

    This Guy... good bike business?

    whatever he "is" ...looks like he has a pretty goog thing goin on !!! who on this board has 2 or 3 employes?? he must be doin something rite!!! who cares if he is a burner or use to be ...or kinda hippy lookin,dosent make him any worse in my eyes ..seems like his prices may b a little "high"...
  10. M

    "Failure" by Redd

    WOW ...BA !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really dig that last one !!!! seriuos :mrgreen:
  11. M

    The excitement builds

    man i wish i had cash 2 buy a truck load of new stuff !!!! good lookin stuff !!!
  12. M

    Cheetos Chester Cheetah

    CHEESY >>>>LOL
  13. M


    rite on CCR ...just messin wit ya ... :P
  14. M


    so we need 2 get permission 2 even talk about it ??? :D
  15. M


    man i tell ya what love 2 do it but im really not sure i have enuff skill 2 make it something ppl would want !!! i have ZERO money i could use on it ...have no one who could pin stripe anything ...have no one for PCing... and id like a something to build off of ...some kinda idea ya know...
  16. M


    i agree with luke ...someone needs 2 take this over .... i think it should b like the last two auction bikes tho ...based on a picture !!! not just one guys idea !! but that just how i feel about it !! there is tons of talent here and pleanty of ppl who would build a BA bike !!! who will it be...
  17. M


    another one 2 the list ???? say it isnt so !!! :cry:
  18. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il scott has new flyers for this year out ... july 28th this year it looks like !!!! man we need lots of ppl 2 come out this year ...its growin every year ...lets make this year the biggest on so far !!!! this is for a great cause ...lots of show...
  19. M


    sounds like 2 me its all over with ...bad deal !!! :cry:
  20. M


    hope i have cash by then !!! ill be there is so !! :mrgreen: