"Failure" by Redd

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Dec 24, 2012
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"Patina" by Redd

Re: "Don't Look Back" by Redd

are these painted on canvas?? this one is sweet being im Pontiac Mich....i like them all
my favs are the bus and the chifetain pic too
Thanks guys for the great feedback! :D Yeah these are painted on canvas that I sand down smooth with fine sandpaper and then paint with acylics. "D*** the Torpedo" is actually a Tucker Torpedo (check out the movie "Tucker:A Man and his Dream"). Yeah the last one was done this summer for a customer. It's supposed to read "The King" but my photos always come out cut off or blurry, sorry about that but at least you get the general idea. I love the abandoned stuff too! "Failure" is a real attention magnet with whoever sees it. I'm eventually going to paint a "Failure 2" where you'll actually see most of the car. By the way, if you guys want any of these they are for sale for $20 as an 11x14 glossy print on quality heavy paper done by our local print shop and are shipped anywhere in the U.S. in a damage-free mailing tube. Enjoy!
Re: "Don't Look Back" by Redd

jaysmo said:
are these painted on canvas?? this one is sweet being im Pontiac Mich....i like them all
my favs are the bus and the chifetain pic too
Yeah... they must have deleted the bus. This site can be kind of ****. I like that they keep it clean but sometimes it goes too far, know what I mean? :roll:
The bus most likely was deleted because of it's contraversial theme. You have to realize that this is a family oriented site. When something is contrary to the welfare of children, it is most likely going bye-bye. Words used like a_ _l, won't make you very many friends either. Not being nasty or a Site Cop, just trying to keep people informed. I enjoy your art as I grew up in the 60's and read much of what you draw your inpiration from. Redd, please keep up the good work.
RatSphinx said:
The bus most likely was deleted because of it's contraversial theme. You have to realize that this is a family oriented site. When something is contrary to the welfare of children, it is most likely going bye-bye. Words used like a_ _l, won't make you very many friends either. Not being nasty or a Site Cop, just trying to keep people informed. I enjoy your art as I grew up in the 60's and read much of what you draw your inpiration from. Redd, please keep up the good work.
Thanks for the kind words Rat, I didn't think I guess when posting the bus because it's just meant to be a joke. I never did that stuff and don't condone it in any way. Families have seen it at car shows when I'm selling my stuff and thought it was funny, and that's all it is... a cartoon of sorts, a joke. I honestly didn't think that Roller Derby Girl would be an issue either, but we won't get into that. It's not my site, so if they want to pull something, then by all means. Like you said... children watching. My whole life has been saying and doing things without thinking first, so I apologize to anyone who was offended by the bus, especially RATRODBIKES.COM. Again, thank you for the info and kind words. I hope I did not scare away any potential friends, that was not my intention. Enjoy the artwork my friends. :wink:
outskirtscustoms said:
Only one problem with "The King" He should be driving a Cadillac! :wink:
Ha Ha! Yeah that's right! Like I said though, that was special ordered for a customer. I work for myself in the summer at the local cruise nights doing paintings of the cruiser's cars Ed Roth-style. This guy Pete has a '56 Chevy these exact colors and wanted Elvis driving it. Pete kind of gave me free reign, so I thought it would be cool to make Elvis kind of..dead! That's even Pete's plate on the front too---also his idea to put "The King" at the top, but I came up with the crown. Glad you like it! 8)

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