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  1. M

    Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

    man o man i had a bad feeling about all these deals with BCT ..i sure hope things work out for all who are involved !!! he did say in the build thread that everyone would get their stuff !!! hope that the case ... good luck ya'll . u 2 BCT !!!
  2. M

    Do I have an S-5 rim?

    hey if thats of the spyder u got from me its not a schwinn rim . id say ask member rail rider (ron) he may have a NOS one for ya he has tons of MB suff !!!
  3. M


    HMMMMM........ :?:
  4. M

    Places of interest in the L.A. area??

    id just drive around and look at the city ...i like drivin in big citys tho !! GNRS ...guns and roses show ???
  5. M

    I'm tired!!

    hey ...just sit down take a few mins off !!! u r on vacation !!!! LOL :mrgreen: well i guess the tree n h2o heater had 2 b takin care of ....nagdabit .. :D
  6. M

    I was just visited by my Grandfather

    very cool !!! need a gun in there !!! LOL
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  8. M


    ahhh i c !!! merry xmas
  9. M


    anyone know whats goin on with this ??? or did i miss something ? the build im talkin about
  10. M

    ~~~BLACKJACK~~~ <<<FINISHED>>>

    Re: ~~~BLACKJACK~~~ A Christmas Build man u have 2 get a pic of his face when he sees this bike !!! its gonna b epic !!!! very awsome build man !!!
  11. M

    Bike for a bikeless kid! "Mission Accomplished!"

    Re: Bike for a bikeless kid! i agree with pick feels real good 2 do this and another guy have done something similar the last 3 xmas's ...we did 14 last year ...hooked up with the local food pantry and they gave em away ...bunch of happy little turd buckets runnin around town ...
  12. M

    I need some emergency help!

    i like ousiders idea ...u could lift the fender up to where the the dimples go in the rite place ...and just paint up the little extension thinggy least it would get it finished till u could figure out a better idea ....yes
  13. M

    Best way to have an assembled bike shipped to me

    see if one of the guys from shipping wars might b in that area ...prolly wouldnt cost that much !!!! i have heard of the bus n train thing b4 ...that would make me kinda nervous tho !!! best of luck !!!
  14. M


    hope things r ok !!!! :?:
  15. M

    grape krate restore

    oh u booted him ...we were workin a deal on this GRAPE CRAPE .. shucks :mrgreen:
  16. M


  17. M

    Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

    thats a chopper ...nobody built a chopper !!! thats all there is to it !!! it wasent called a street bike,car lookin,stripped down bobber build off was it ??? CHOPPER BUILD OFF ... :mrgreen:
  18. M

    Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

    funny how its called CHOPPER BUILD OFF...none of em r choppers ...but GMG at least built there bike out of a harley !!! jesse did a cool one off build, but for sure not a chopper !!!
  19. M

    1985 BMX Turbo

    looks nice n clean !!!!
  20. M

    indian help

    got a buddy with what he says is a 76 indian 125cc...neat lookin little bike ...he is lookin for parts for it ...i thought mayb one of u fellas that collect/restore motorcycles may b able 2 help him out !!! LMK if u could ..any leeds r appreciated !!! thnx MIKE ill try n get a few pics from...