I need some emergency help!

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Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Visalia, CA
Rating - 100%
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Ok, emergency may be a poor choice of word, but I have to get my son's bike done for Christmas, and I've got a major problem. If you haven't seen my build you can catch up here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=66708

Summary: I'm in the Navy and I had to be gone and a friend took care of getting the bike painted, but I didn't think about the fit of a couple parts, the rear fender included. Now I'm realizing that the rear fender needs a lot work to get it right, work I can't do because it's already painted. So, what I've got is what I've got. In the picture you can see with the fender sitting where it should, the stay dimples show, and there is a hole where it should be mounted. I'm going to have bend some dimples to clear the stays.

What creative "thing/stuff/coolness" can I bolt to that hole to cover the hole and the dimples, without hanging over the side to interfere with the wheel/chain?

What if you mounted the fender hole/dimples as it should be and made a lower mount extension, it would bring the back of the fender lower and the front higher, raising up that pinstriping. Might look ok, might not.
yoothgeye said:
What if you mounted the fender hole/dimples as it should be and made a lower mount extension, it would bring the back of the fender lower and the front higher, raising up that pinstriping. Might look ok, might not.

I kinda like trying out this idea. I am sure you could do some up with some cool way of extending the lower fender extension.
How bout a chrome acorn nut, or a spike? Although I kinda like the fender extension idea too. 8)
I don't have time to order anything or have it shipped unless it was in California. I'll buy something at a store.

To do the fender extension well would require screwing up the paint, wouldn't it? I mean, I get hung up with the thought of welding a piece on there. I do have an old rear fender from a muscle bike I could dontate from... but I'm worried I'd screw up the exsisting paint.

or am I not thinking of some easy solution for the extension?
After seeing your build thread, I see that you have some more cool striping and reflector on the back end of the fender, so I don't think rotating the fender back is a good idea.

I think some studded leather bracelet would be cool across the old mounting hole and dimples.
Where do I buy a studded leather bracelet without getting arrested or embarassing my mother? :lol:

Another thought that occured to me... some sort of playing card holder? Holds a Jack of Spades into the spokes. But that sounds really complicated for the amount of time I have.
Peatbog said:
Here is a fender extension I used. The two pieces were just bolted together.

I had thought about this, but that would take the current fender and A) ruin the front pinstriping by putting it under the seat stay brace, and B) put the rear edge under the tire.
I like this idea! Considering the work you've put into paint and your timeline...
Does anyone have a spare 'Built Not Bought!' sticker they can overnight to CRASH? if any bike fits that sayin', this one does!


C'mon! It's for a Christmas present, if i had one, it would be in the mail already!

cman said:
A cool Ratrodbikes sticker.....or any other sticker that you may like.

Dr. T
Thanks for the thought T. I'll look for some subtle stickers along with other ideas. I'm going shopping tonight. I have a Built not Bought head badge that I toyed with the idea of opening up to fit and attaching it. I'm still chewing on that one. I've got 3 RRB stickers (Black/white/red) but they might be too big and detract from the pinstriping right there. I'll hold them up and see how they look right there.
i like ousiders idea ...u could lift the fender up to where the the dimples go in the rite place ...and just paint up the little extension thinggy ...at least it would get it finished till u could figure out a better idea ....yes

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