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  1. brandonehansen


    Yeah, fenders are definitely out of the question. I may just try another wheelset with 1.75s for a different look, who know! That's the fun of it. They always sort of take on a life of their own sometimes. :D
  2. brandonehansen


    Rat, I am putting them on a bike that originally came with 26x1-3/8 tires. I have some schwinn S-7 wheels and tires which fit fine, and i have just SLIGHTLY over 2" of inside clearance in between the forks and was going to build a set of wheels that would work with these I'm...
  3. brandonehansen

    Anyone know anything about this saddle I found??

    from what I've seen, that's a Hairpin style saddle. I am lusting over those right now. I love that yours is beat up, there are a few places where you can get them new as replicas. Those are great looking saddles and want to put it on my project bike. Nice Score!!
  4. brandonehansen


    Just bumping this question...If anyone has a set, not even brown, just has these on a bike. I called all the shops here in Chicago and none of them carry the Felt Cruisers, I was going to try and measure them in the store but that failed :) Any help would be appreciated, thanks folks.
  5. brandonehansen


    I have the 07 Version of this bike...its a great bike. Made in Taiwan, but the quality is decent. Rides fast and is a work horse. One cool thing about the 08 one is that the entire frame is chrome because they decided to have chrome rear stays. They paint over most of it, BUT if you were to...
  6. brandonehansen

    Brown Tires

  7. brandonehansen

    Orange Fixed Gear

    It's really not that bad. Where the grips are, I rarely ride. I typically ride with my hands on either side of the stem on the cold hard steel! haha. But in actuality, it's what I'm used to. It makes riding my rats SO much more comfortable. It's literally night and day with my bikes, and...
  8. brandonehansen

    Orange Fixed Gear

    Haha, I had to re-read that for a second! :shock: :D But yeah, hers is a reflection of her personality, very fun, bright and vibrant.
  9. brandonehansen

    Orange Fixed Gear

    These are what I ride mostly everyday. Being in Chicago where it's virtually flat everywhere you turn, fixed gears are very popular. They are lovely to ride, and its my preferred way, besides my old rats. This particular bike is an IRO Angus, they are based out of the east coast. It has a...
  10. brandonehansen

    Brown Tires

    Those are pretty cool, the Retro Runners...but yeah, I think this bike of mine is destined for Brown tires...if they can fit.
  11. brandonehansen

    Brown Tires

    Does anyone else make brown tires besides Felt's quick Brick? I'd really prefer something in a 26 x 1.75 is why I'm asking. Thanks!
  12. brandonehansen


    I'm very interested in the brown Quick Bricks for a new build, they are listed as 26 x 2.125, does anyone have a set mounted? I am wondering how wide they end up being mounted as I'm pretty sure they'll be a tight fit. If anyone has them, in any color, could you let me know what they measure...
  13. brandonehansen

    Hairpin Replica Saddle Question?

    Awesome! I was looking for this type of saddle and didnt know where to find them. For 30 bucks, that's great and will fit my bike great. What type of seatpost type do they fit?
  14. brandonehansen

    Murray Nassau

    Meh, the saddle is huge and frumpy. I am thinking a vintage honey or dark brown brooks.
  15. brandonehansen

    Murray Nassau

    Bought this bike! I've got it at home now and started to break it down a little bit. It's going to transform into something a little bit sleeker, and cooler. The bike is in immaculate shape and found out that it's from the early 80's. I'm aiming to bring it's looks back to the early days a...
  16. brandonehansen

    Murray Nassau

    So I've got a line on this bike pictured for 60 bucks, I just dont know much about it. The condition is extremely clean and everything looks to be original. Anyone know much about these, maybe when they were made, that kind of thing. I've needed a new project for awhile now and something like...
  17. brandonehansen

    $60 by the beach

    I have a similar year Schwinn and the rust came off pretty well with Aluminum foil and water. As aluminum is softer than steel you can rub a wet balled up piece of it on the chrome bits and it almost erases it away! Nice bike, should be a fun build.
  18. brandonehansen

    Retro fixie

    I love the way this bike looks! That added tubing really puts a whole new perspective on the aesthetics of this diamond frame. The interesting this in how well the more modern looking track wheels look against the old vintage set up, really works well actually! Nice looking bike I must say...
  19. brandonehansen

    Newest clone addition Western Flyer

    I really like this frame alot! It seems more proportional to me than the Colson because on this bike, the seat stay is closer to the back wheel and matches that of the front tire to down tube distance. It just looks more balanced to me. Way cool on both frames you've done thus far!
  20. brandonehansen

    Drifting a bicycle?

    more like controlled skidding. He is locking up the tire with brakes where drifting is controlling your acceleration input and the loss of traction. Thats being technical but its still pretty cool. You should check out some videos of fixed gear skids. When they are really good, their form is...