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  1. brandonehansen

    66 Volt Bobber

    If you were to build an electric bike, how large of tire is required for good stability at speeds. Also, are these ridden in the bike lane or in actuall traffic?
  2. brandonehansen

    Betty Page 8-ball bike

    *ahem* trike.
  3. brandonehansen

    Frank N. Stine

    it's an AMF, kinda crazy bikes, but awesome! Eddie, she's on the road to a beautiful new look! I want to see her done!
  4. brandonehansen

    Hannan Rocket #HR001

    Are you using high flange hubs like in the rendering? I REALLY love that. I also love the tapered fork as well. I would agree that the back needs to be beefed up with a larger tire at somepoint, but man that thing is going to look amazing, Great Job indeed!
  5. brandonehansen

    Ross Apollo Racer

    There is a cool vintage store by me and I was in there the other day doing a little christmas shopping (this store is mainly vintage clothing, jewelry, and accesories) and right as I walked in, there is a white Ross Apollo Racer single speed sitting on a little credenza right as I walked in. I...
  6. brandonehansen

    "Y" not??? UPDATE 1-8

    Re: "Y" not??? UPDATE 12-19 Wow, super cool! Will definintely be a first like that.
  7. brandonehansen

    My new boardtracker project

    That frame now feels very "GT" looking. Keep it up!
  8. brandonehansen

    26" mags?

  9. brandonehansen

    26" mags?

    Does/has anyone made mag wheels this big? Or even plastic wheels.. I love those old school big chunky wheels and they would look awesome on one of my bikes but I have no idea if they've been made. Any suggestions?
  10. brandonehansen


    Steve, Looks great! 65 typhoons are the best! :wink: That's an amazing color, cant wait to see it with the seat and post. I see a honey colored brooks or something fun. Btw, what kind of fork is that? Schwinn with a chromed crown? Perfect touch I must say
  11. brandonehansen


    I love the square bend truss rods! Who makes such pieces? They would be the perfect touch on my bike I have.
  12. brandonehansen

    A CCM in need of work! Done!

    They are cool, that's why! :)
  13. brandonehansen

    A CCM in need of work! Done!

    Cool man thanks. I dont mind having my name out there....its my first name, middle initial and last name all crammed together. :mrgreen:
  14. brandonehansen

    Anyone else still ridin'?

    Once I get my schwinn finished, it will be the winter bike, it has fenders. I dont mind the cold so long as I'm dressed for it.
  15. brandonehansen

    A CCM in need of work! Done!

    That's one hot color!! I love it. I cant wait to see it with everything on there, gleaming out in the sunshine. BTW, where did you buy the rattle can HOK stuff?
  16. brandonehansen


    Phil Wood waterproof grease works awesome for looseball bearings, it's actually designed specifically for it...but maybe other stuff is just as good ;)
  17. brandonehansen

    Max size of tire in a Schwinn Jaguar/Corvette

    I kick myself everytime now when I think of this guy was selling a phantom wheelset for 40 bucks at a local bike swap meet! All they needed was a little elbow grease and they would've been good to go! I paid 65 for an s-7 wheelset about a week later ( I didn't have enough money on me at the...
  18. brandonehansen

    Max size of tire in a Schwinn Jaguar/Corvette

    Re: typhoon Good to know, I have the same exact bike, year as well.
  19. brandonehansen

    could i get a 3'' wide wheel on this..

    Wow, how close is that tire to the chain! thats crazy cool insane
  20. brandonehansen

    Brakes Sticky

    thank you!!