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  1. ParkRNDL

    What parts are safe to sandblast?

    So I've got this X-53 boys' bike with horrible homebrew paint and lots of wrong parts, and I just stumbled upon a complete X-53 girls' bike with fair to good paint. At the moment my plan is to paint the boys frame and tank to match the two-tone blue paint scheme of the girls bike and switch the...
  2. ParkRNDL

    Girls Spaceliner head tube?

    I am hoping someone with easy access to a girls Spaceliner frame can do me a solid. I want to use the rat trap springer off a girls Spaceliner on the bike I am working on now, which is also made by Murray. The head tube measures 5 1/4 inches without bearing cups, or 5 7/8 inches at the outsides...
  3. ParkRNDL

    Histop hubs: universal sprocket?

    Do Histop hubs use the standard Bendix-type sprocket with the snap ring and the 3 little nubs that fit into the notches on the hub? I am about to buy a 20t sprocket on Amazon but I want to make sure I'm getting the right type.
  4. ParkRNDL

    Western Flyer X-53 resurrection

    I don't know that this is a build so much as me picking away at what was once a beautiful bike in an effort to make it less tragic. I posted this in Fresh Finds not long ago: After a couple of hours removing half of Wal-Mart's bike accessories aisle and wiping down with a dry rag, it looked a...
  5. ParkRNDL

    1968 Ross Convertible

    Buddy of mine has a pool cleaning business. He saw this in a customer's yard and picked it up for me for the cost of a case of Old Milwaukee. Well, what do we have here? A Bluetooth front axle! The headset has me perplexed. It's like a prehistoric kiddie version of a threadless headset...
  6. ParkRNDL

    Western Flyer X-53 revival

    So I posted about this 1953 Western Flyer I picked up from a coworker. Well, now I had to take the day off to be here for the HVAC guys to come do some repairs, so I spent the last hour or two removing lights and racks and reflectors and mirrors and wiping the barn dirt off with a dry rag. I...
  7. ParkRNDL

    Pass the oven cleaner, please: Western Flyer X-53 (well, mostly)

    Recent find, in as-found condition: This one came with it. I may try and use some odds and ends off it. Definitely sticking with the frame, tank, and rack/crash bars. (Edit: Yes, the rack-on-a-rack has to go. I may go pick that off right now as it sits in the garage lol.)...
  8. ParkRNDL

    Huffy something or other

    Augh. I did it again. I know you all have done it. Bought a bike with the sole intention of using it for parts and then got it home and had second thoughts about cutting it up. This was my FB Marketplace find for today. I mean, look at this. It's butt ugly. But it looks barely used and it...
  9. ParkRNDL

    Huffy what now?

    Picked up this Huffy off FB Marketplace. Its fate is as yet undetermined. And although it caused me great pain, I passed on these two at a local flea market this morning. Guy would have taken $100 each. I have been trying not to buy bikes that I know I won't ride. I already own something with...
  10. ParkRNDL

    Interesting free bike find

    Well this was unexpected. I responded to this ad thinking it was a Wal-goose. My intention was to rob the rear wheel to use on the Beachcomber, which has been sidelined due to an unfortunate hub shell implosion. But upon closer inspection, this is a pretty interesting specimen of early...
  11. ParkRNDL

    1987 Mongoose ATB Women's

    So this was an interesting find. I thought it was a Wal-goose but apparently not. Kinda makes me feel bad to blow it apart for parts, which was my original intention...
  12. ParkRNDL

    “Cruisers” coffee table book at Ollie’s Outlet

    I can see this book was discussed here on RRB maybe 10 years ago, but I had never seen it before. Just snagged one at my local Ollie’s Outlet for 5 clams. If you have an Ollie’s near you, hit them up.
  13. ParkRNDL

    Not a bike, but useful for working on bikes

    Scored this Snap-On tool chest at a yard sale for 25 bucks. No keys. I took the lock apart when I got it home; you can see the lock bars in the top of the box and the lock cylinder in that little Ziploc bag. There's a good locksmith in town; I'm going to try to get a key made. From the...
  14. ParkRNDL

    Interesting observation: Class 1 & Class 2

    Anybody besides me have the thought that to the causal observer, this year's Class 1 winner looks like it could be a Class 2 bike while the Class 2 winner looks like it could be a Class 1 bike? There's a profound point there about good aesthetics transcending rules and limitations, but I can't...
  15. ParkRNDL

    Murray/AMC Beachcomber VII

    The Beachcomber was a yard sale find from about 10 years ago. The older couple who sold it to me said their son loved to ride it, but sadly he had passed. I always wanted to do something cool with it as a tribute. In the intervening years I have thrown parts at it a few times, but none of the...
  16. ParkRNDL

    1951 Arnold Schwinn Admiral

    I threw this up in Fresh Finds when I dragged it home a month or so ago. Today I finally had a few minutes to play with it. Pretty much all I did was put on some less crusty tires and tubes and patch the fender braces together. Other than that, it was just adjust the seat and bars, hose it...
  17. ParkRNDL

    Two new finds: Trek BMX and '51 Schwinn

    So apparently the bicycle gods have been with me this spring. A couple months ago, a friend of a friend mentioned that he had this old Trek to get rid of, left in a shed by a previous occupant: Said friend retrieved it for me a couple weeks ago, and I've been picking at it. I have rebuilt...
  18. ParkRNDL

    Murray Beach Comber/AMC VII

    Well, this is my starting point. I picked it up maybe 10 years ago at a yard sale looking like this. The sellers said it had belonged to their son, and he loved to ride it, but sadly he had passed away. I have always wanted to build it up into something cool as a tribute to its former owner...
  19. ParkRNDL

    2021 Schwinn Predator Team 24

    A few years back, Schwinn rolled out a Predator Team 24 which was essentially a tribute bike to the '83 model. Steel frame instead of chromoly, steel components instead of alloy, so it was a boat anchor, but hey, it looked great anyway. They started out on Amazon around $279 or $299 or so. For...
  20. ParkRNDL

    Got myself a history lesson about the LBS

    Back story: I have a great LBS. The back room is a bicycle boneyard with lots of old stuff to pick over, and the owner is usually willing to chat about bikes and local history. I've found a number of parts, frames, and even whole bikes there that made great projects, so the guy knows me when I...