••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••• " lotsO clear update pics "

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Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !22.2" throwing stars! •

Oneuglybike said:
Wow, those rotors are awesome! What sort of "doo-hickey" did you use to cut those out? I see something that says "torchmate".
It's a 6-7 year old torchmate cnc 50"x110" plasma table that has been modifide with a wet tank to keep the cut cold and the smoke at a minimum. Though the metal got a little hot on the second rotor because we didnt notice the water level was .5" low. luckaly the waist metal took most of the heat and my rotor just got a little sloppy on the cut. Tools! They are all just machines with personalities. Some times they are nice to you some times they hate you!
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• GeT-a-GrIp•

Diabolical_Dork said:
imagearchy said:
I picked up some grips today at the boulder bicycle swap from my freind Tyler at luxlow.com he has some very nice bikes! Check it out!
Then i also picked up a seat tube and a stem for my seat mount. So i can drop my seat back about 4-5 " from the priginal spot. I will be getting my 12-guage steel sheet this week from Dencol a local steel supplier here in denver for my 22.5" rotors to be cut out of early this week.

Another guy with a VW in the garage? What rims are on that? Anyway nice build, nice car. Looks like a great bike community in CO.
They are a set of 17" x 8" 8 spoke XXRs
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !22.2" throwing stars! •

Circa Cycles said:
Sweet :!: You now have the worlds biggest bicycle brake rotors.
When the build is over i think i should contact Guinness! I always wanted to be a record holder!
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness world record?! •

Here i am fitting a rotor on me DH rear rim ( not my build rim)to doublecheck

I have a little filing to do on the calliper bracket to bring the pads surface to the center of the rotors intended contact area, since these calipers are ment for an outside diameter rotor.

Looks like i have to try n gain about 6-7mm.
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Wow magura gustav on gigantic rotors...you sure wont be out of baking power!
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

We should play "guess the final build weight" with this one....definitely looking like an amazing downhill in a straight line ridiculously fast kinda ride. Again, uber jealous of the tools and the ideas, kudos.
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Critter1 said:
Jake Sensi said:
:shock: Woah... What just happened here? :shock: Are you kidding me? After seeing this I had to remove my brain and stick it in the fridge because the hottness of this build was too much for me to comprehend!
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

N8NBOX said:
We should play "guess the final build weight" with this one....definitely looking like an amazing downhill in a straight line ridiculously fast kinda ride. Again, uber jealous of the tools and the ideas, kudos.
"Weigh" less than last years!
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Stop it with the awesome please, some of us peons need some attention. :wink:
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

yoothgeye said:
Stop it with the awesome please, some of us peons need some attention. :wink:
Yea... Rule #12 = Put a cap on the awesomeness! :lol:
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Those rotors are cool. Can't wait to see how they get incorporated onto the rims and caliper onto frame.
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

The wheels are beyond sick,cool,outstanding or any other word I can think of.

incredible skill man!!!

I think Ill just disassemble my build off bike and quit after seeing those rotors......lol
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

bighit said:
I totally want a pair.
I will see how fabing the wheel to mount them goes, i am a little worried about the thickness of the aluminum wheels wall. I may have to do a steel wheel. I dont want the weight! We will see?
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Echoing everyone else, these things are hardcore, I dig them.

I am curious though, they look really thick in the pictures. Is that an optical illusion or are they much thicker than regular MTB discs? If so, how do they fit in the calipers?
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

Looking very cool! Great work! :D
Re: ••••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••••• !Guinness World Record?! •

ossum said:
Echoing everyone else, these things are hardcore, I dig them.

I am curious though, they look really thick in the pictures. Is that an optical illusion or are they much thicker than regular MTB discs? If so, how do they fit in the calipers?
They are 12 guage steel. The same thickness as the originals. It may look thicker because it may be cut at an angle on most edges. The plasma cutter does not alwase cut perpendicular to the surface because electricity and compressed air in a plasma cutter are continualy in a chaotic state. It is tough to tune!

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