Found a cool "Built To Last" spoke card

If it doesn't fit, get a bigger hammer!Followed my many whacks with my hammer and trusty Park CI-1 Cup Installer
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Red housepaint and fat creme colored tires... Like my BO9 bike...I'd better get to stripping mine soon to avoid any confusion! I can see a conversation somewhere out there going like this... "Yeah... King...uh - King... somebody, is building this killer bike on the Rat Rod bikes forums. It's red and has fat off-white tires. Go check it out! Only to have the guy stumble across my pile of crap bike instead of this...
Man, I'd like to sneak into where-ever it is you keep all this stuff and just look around.
Bike is looking great! Rg
I don't think you have to worry about anyone thinking the Defiance is a pile of anything. That's one classy build so far. We even both have drum brakes.
uhm thats a cool card!!!!
nice your taste is as always excelant!! you figure out the reflectors yet? maybe build a cut jig for a dremel?
Kingfish,Not sure of shifters yet, but I am thinking of mounting this Iverson shifter that I got from @ilikebikes on the seat tube.
That would be the awesome finishing touch!Not sure of shifters yet, but I am thinking of mounting this Iverson shifter that I got from @ilikebikes on the seat tube.
That's very Truckin'...too cool!
Use a dogleg crank from one of the bikes that I bought from @Wildcat and threw on the perfect red and white block pedals that I got from @dogdart
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I really need to find some replacement 1/2 reflectors for the green ones. 2 White and 2 Blue would be cool or 3 Blue or 3 White. Anyone know where to get 1/2 reflectors at?
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Those are about 3/4 inch diameter, I went in the garage and measured when I saw he was looking for some...