Re: █ ▌▌G.I.JESSE JAMES ▌▌█ 6/13 New Shop Photos pg36
OK, so I went out in the shop tonight and tried to do some work, but I tell you, motivation is hard this year. Last year I had a friend come over and build with me or just hang out, and having someone there really helped keep things moving. Working alone sucks.
Anyway, first off, I blue my fork (Tobias Fünke reference).
Pick your poison:
I don't know how old this stuff is, I used some last year on little nuts and bolts that held my rear rack on the 76er. I foudn the bottle in my father-in-law's shop and he said I could have it and that it probably was no good anymore:
Before the blue I had to fix something, this fork is going to be used as the moving part of the springer, I didn't want to just paint it OD like most everything else, I want it to stand out a little, thus the blue, but I also had to clearance it to allow proper movement of the rockers, here it is before:
And here it is after a little trimming:
Happy with the trimming, I filed the edges and steel wooled the fork and blued it:
The Opti Gloss Serious Shine can in the picture is what I've been using to clean and polish all my bikes lately. It's a product I found at Ollies, but the last time I went to get more they only had one bottle left. It cleans and then polishes, and it makes a silky smooth surface, I used it after the blue to protect the fork more and keep it pretty, if you can find any of it, buy a can.
At this point I got distracted and took some 20x2.35 tires off some rims that I found and removed "MONGOOSE" from the sidewall with acetone, they are in perfect shape and will look good on my Polished Turd project bike.
Then I got to working on my '56 J.C. Higgins that I need to get ready for vacation and I have to start a new thread right now to figure out the euro bottom bracket on it.
As I was walking out and stepping over the sidecar I was pretty pleased with the monkey bars:
I forgot to photograph this, I did this last thursday to "fill" the hole in the bottom of the sidecar:
Not sure about placement if you will see bars under it or just the road flying by, should be cool anyway.
Then I was closing the shop door and realized I need to tear down some more bikes, ugh...
Won't someone come build with me?