Re: █ ▌▌G.I.JESSE JAMES ▌▌█ 5/3 theft slows progress
OK, I actually got some real work done, I hope some people are still reading, haha.
OK, a quick headlight mock-up, this will be about where I will be putting the blackout light:
Here are both WCC choppers together, as you can see, the one in the foreground is more complete, neither had a chain guard, so I don't know what one for this bike even looked like. I bought the complete one for $15, it's got a lot of surface rust and the handlebars are actually pretty pitted, not exactly sure how it got this way since the chain looks really good. It's odd, the forks are also bent.
Here are both seat posts, they will be combined to make a layback later once I get the seat I'm looking for (or make it):
Then I got distracted and pulled out my tandem frame and put red oxide primer over the undercoat:
I hear these Schwinns are pretty tough frames. This one was my wife's bike in college, man it's like brand new!
OK, it *was* like brand new:
I know why people think Schwinns are so special, they're made with love (what is this, on bottom of down tube):
A quick mock-up:
The sidecar will actually be a little eider than this:
This is the part that was welded under the chainstay, I used a shock bolt head to cap the end:
Welded on:
I'm going to have to modify a fork to fit the other rear wheel (yes other rear, not front) so that I won't have to hack up the spare frame:
And while I was cleaning up my welds I had an idea, and thoughts on this one?
This "first" step was the hardest to make, gaining build confidence now. I measured my son and daughter so that I can start building the actual sidecar frame. I need to find some sheet metal to skin it with.