I love long chainguards. Owned a Dyno stretch for a while and the chainguard was noisy from chain rub. I finally installed sticky back velcro on the appropriate surfaces and quieted down the guard. It was impossible to get the guard to be quiet with normal mounting adjustment ranges. Just too much chain flex both up and down and side to side. The solid round stock seatstays surprised me but anything is possible. I'm a big fan of louvers on cars, trucks and if possible on bicycles. Your art deco louvers on the rear of your bike are cool. Really loving your build so far.
I could see where chain rub would be a bigger deal with a dyno guard since they had a fairly curvy side profile. Plus the amount of chain on a dyno is much more than what I am using. This Micargi/Tracer guard is a little shorter, much straighter, and a bit more rigid too. Like I said from my ride, I'm not too concerned with any chainslap issues on the guard. I only heard that on a couple of big bumps. I also suspect that this frame is a good bit more rigid that a Dyno stretch. Those Dyno limos had a good bit of flex in their frames.
The solid stock seatstays was a surprise for me, but at the same time it doesn't surprise me when remembering many of Uncle Stretches old build threads.
Glad you like the vented skirt guards. To me, these have the most swept back for speed look of any bike skirts. The tapered raised darts and vents just look fast sitting still

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