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I remember you using that technique now. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

Actually without the fork, I'm kinda spinning my wheels. I can't really make any decision on any guard treatment, without seeing how it plays with the finished fork.
But I do love how the butterfly kickstand allows me to keep playing with the bike while the fork in in bluetooth mode. :D

Thanks, I think that is what OJ was saying earlier too as far as just using the hotwheels with the raw guard.
I'm not locked into using the hotwheels at all. I like it, but don't know if it looks too much like a gimmick.
Still held up by the fork before making any final opinion of any guard treatment.

That is a possibility as well. I'll keep it in mind.

Funny thing is, I think I actually understood what you were saying. :D :D
Gun blueing solution will rust if not rinsed in hours