09 TREK 7.3FX

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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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My new "I'm nearly forty and need to get in shape" bike. :mrgreen:

142 miles on the odometer.







And a upgraded crank, thats got plastic on it dosn't it? I don't get why they do that on nice bikes lol you make a pretty bike with nice stuff then stuff something plastic in there somewhere. I do love a red bike though!
Oh man 40 is just a number if you can still see you shoes past your belly you will be Okay :lol:. That is a cool looking bike man, i'm diggin the way the forks go into the frame almost looks like one piece.
It's aluminum so it's light and it seems to ride pretty quick.

Although, anything probably feels faster than the cruisers I have. :lol:

The riding position is comfortable too.

A crank upgrade may happen down the road at some point.
good choice, we sell quite a few of the fx series treks and the 7.3 is the best value in the lineup. the pantleg guard should come right off :D
I'll have to check into the pant leg guard removal...although, it did come in handy this afternoon when I test rode it in my jeans. :D

Glad to know that it's a decent bike. I liked the way felt and it seemed like it would be good for exercise.

I know diddly about road bikes, but I figured it be hard to go wrong with a newer Trek.
Now theres a bike, pant leg guards? who needs em! Post a pic of it now so we can see that great bike. bet it looks great now lol
Nice buy for an all around bike. Now you can start commuting to work :wink: . Some Planet Bike fenders and you will be set for year around commuting.

I actually like having something to keep my pant leg out of the chain on my commuter bike(xtracycle). I run only one chainring(38t)in the front in the middle position. I bought a 38t bashguard for the outer position that works well. http://www.bbgbashguard.com
As I thought, now the bike is awesome looking even more, see what plastic does to bikes? that stuff is up to no good! lol
buy a spare tube and a way to air it back up.
Not knocking these skinny tires at all, but they do pop (and pop loud), and you can be a long way from home when it happens.

Ride it about 25 miles and you will also decide to get some real bike pants with the pads.
They make the "baggie MTB style" if you don't want to go skin tight! :D

Sleek helmet, wrap around sun glasses, you are in for a whole biking make-over!

Great looking bike, you will love riding it.
Made just down the road in Waterloo...Then 20 minutes down the road in Madison is Pacific cycle...
I went inside Pacific once and they had a ton of prototype OCC Schwinns on hand... :shock: (2004-5ish)
Things I've never seen again on the market...Like a large 3 wheeled Big Wheels Stingray and so forth...
The crazy things you see on a happenstance visit.
Anyways... Sweet ride! :)