1936 Mead Hawthorne Duralium custom

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Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
...and it's sold. I guess someone else wanted it more than I did. Well, it will get me to the next build. A 1936 Hex Frame Monark Silver King.

1936 Mead-Hawthorne Duralium...


I shaved and converted a old microphone into a LED multi-function tail light....



...and a 30's fog light into an LED headlight and notice the cool 1930's hood ornament...


I machined the headset to fit the sealed bearing and Felt Abraham Springer fork. Stuffed some Felt cruiser wheels wrapped with Fat Franks. The best riding bike I have had. Sorry to see it go but excited to start the next build.
Very nice work, I love it but what is the "Mead" part of it? Maybe you mean Monark? No matter, still looks cool
12bcruzin said:
Very nice work, I love it but what is the "Mead" part of it? Maybe you mean Monark? No matter, still looks cool
Nope. I meant Mead-Hawthorne. Looks just like the standard Hawthorne badge of the 30's BUT say Mead-Hawthorne instead. Interesting, isn't it. :?:
Uncle Stretch said:
Man that turned out outstanding. :wink: I might have had a hard time selling that one , unless the price was really right.

Believe me. I had a real hard time. Even my wife was like "you can't sell THAT one" but the price was right. Really right. It gives me an opportunity to build another but with an even more rare 36 hex frame version which otherwise I would never have been able to do. Plus I love creating and it gives me the fuel to push myself on each build. I am glad you like it Uncle Stretch. It makes you feel good when someone with true skills recognizes your work. Thanks!
Believe me. I had a real hard time. Even my wife was like "you can't sell THAT one"

my wife lay's that one on me just about everytime ,lol love the way that bike flows,and the added accesories are great !
Sometimes they turn out so good that they will surprise even you. I have had it happen a couple times. I know during a build you pay a lot of attention to the details and try to design one where everything works together. When that special one comes up you have to be able to recognize it and say ....this one stays and will never be sold. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Had it have been me it would have probably been this one. :wink:
Uncle Stretch said:
Sometimes they turn out so good that they will surprise even you. I have had it happen a couple times. I know during a build you pay a lot of attention to the details and try to design one where everything works together. When that special one comes up you have to be able to recognize it and say ....this one stays and will never be sold. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Had it have been me it would have probably been this one. :wink:

You know you are right on. I already regret selling it but I am up for the challenge to out-do myself ( I gotta stay positive cause it's already gone :? ). Someday I will have enough money to turn down "that kind" of offer. Until then this poor folk will have to keep building 'em for the rich folk :wink:
I understand ....sometimes food and bills out weigh toys. :wink: The bad part is ,when you get old you look back and regret getting rid of some things. I built a 750 chopper ,and a 1932 3 window coupe . I sure wish both of them were still at my house....oh and that cute little redhead when I was young...oh well life goes on.

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