Found this bike on CL. It was owned by the seller's father-in-law. After he died, the bike then was owned by the seller's brother-in-law who added the WW tires. Unfortunately he too comitted suicide. The family decided the bike had too many negative memories associated with it so they wanted it GONE and gave it to me for a low price! I'm hoping it isn't haunted
The bike came with a cool 1950's Montana license plate and a very old looking padlock (hooked to the seat) without a key.
Anyways... it was a super cool find. Skiptooth with tank. Needs a light, pedals, grips. The seat could also be re-upholstered. The current leather is so bad that pieces fall off if the bike is moved at all. Anyone know if you can patina match leather on seat re-upholstery?
Got my eyes on the missing parts at Memory Lane, but new purchases are on hold for awhile. The bearings and the hub could be re-built as it doesn't really ride at the moment.
The bike came with a cool 1950's Montana license plate and a very old looking padlock (hooked to the seat) without a key.
Anyways... it was a super cool find. Skiptooth with tank. Needs a light, pedals, grips. The seat could also be re-upholstered. The current leather is so bad that pieces fall off if the bike is moved at all. Anyone know if you can patina match leather on seat re-upholstery?
Got my eyes on the missing parts at Memory Lane, but new purchases are on hold for awhile. The bearings and the hub could be re-built as it doesn't really ride at the moment.