1947 CWC Fleet Photo Shoot

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Feb 22, 2010
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DFW Area Texas
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I have made some changes to the Fleet since I got it in trade from Rat Rod. Not that I didn't like it the way it was originally built, but, I had some ideas, and some parts, so why not?

I loaded it up on the bike carrier and as I was driving over to Colleyville, TX, the next town over from where I live, I noticed a big Harley rider right behind me. It looked like he was checking out the Fleet at every stop sign. Sure enough, he followed me to my destination, which was close by. Nice guy, we talked about the Fleet, this web site, and how his family used to sell Schwinns. So Ed, if you found the site, and this thread, great to meet you! I think you need to register and get involved here.

Anyway the photo site I chose is a historical farm house preserved as in the old settlement days. They also have a preserved Burlington Northern Santa Fe Caboose. It's in a nice setting, but kind of odd in that it has a picket fence close around it, so there's no way to shoot it out in the open.

I went out for the magic evening light, and it just didn't happen. There were thunder storms all around me, so, no magic light, but all was not lost. The clouds provided a natural filter, I just had to work around the slow exposures due to the low natural light.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the resulting photos of the Fleet.








And since my photographic specialty is Infrared Photography, here's one in IR.


Very nice, I love that old house. I go passed it when I go to my parents'. What part of town do you live in?
The bike looks really cool too :mrgreen:. Have you tried any of the color IR film? I played eith it in college and had some wild results.
Right across Big Bear Creek, in S-Lake off Continental.

Yeah, tried a roll of 120 in my Holga. IR film is almost impossible to get now. The guy in Germany who still re-packages it and sells it is sending me some more for writing about it on my IR web site.

http://irbuzz.blogspot.com/2008/09/gues ... or-ir.html

I need to get back into IR and leave these dog-gone bikes alone. They suck up all my spare time, I tell 'ya! :D :D :D :D
Jerry...it looks AWESOME!!!

The Fat Franks and the lack of fenders really make the bike look cool.

Love the boardtrack look to it too.
My parents live over behind Johnson Elementary, off Carroll. The reason I didn't do very much with the IR film I had to go to Houston to get it processed by someone that knew what they were doing. I didn't trust any one at Sam or around Huntsville to do it. I will see if I can find any of my prints or negs next time I'm in Slake.

I just want more hours in a day. I figure another 12-18 hours so I can play with my bikes and other hobbies. I refuse to give any up! :D