Actually this bike had been popping up on CL on and off over the last several months. I finally arranged a time and location to meet to work out a deal with the seller, but the seller wouldn't budge on the price, so I ended up paying a bit more than I wanted. However, during the 6 months that the bike kept being posted and reposted on CL, I kept searching for a '62 Typhoon and had absolutely no luck finding one. So I figured the small premium I paid the CL seller for their asking price was worth it in the long run. Apologies in advance to the Schwinn purists, but I do plan to customize a little with a bit of a 26 BMX Strandie vibe. Not as much as this one, ( ) but just enough to make the bike a bit tougher looking. Thanks for all the comments! Will post in the Build section when I start. Cheers.
Yeah, I'd have overpaid for that one, too. Yours is super-clean, and that frame is my favorite EF Schwinn frame, and they only made it the one year, so.... You gotta grab one when you see one, right?