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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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This all started when member "jerryk" posted this Racer last week here in the Fresh Finds section. Those that know me can testify to my weakness for Schwinn lightweights....especially in Radiant Coppertone. I told him to let me know if and when he ever decides to sell it. A PM from Jerry followed the same day. Seeing as I was short in the bike account after buying that 64 Sting-Ray I told him I would need to sell something first. I mentioned to him that I was probably going to sell off the 47 Fleet I had just taken in trade a few weeks prior and Jerry's ears perked up. I sent him a few pics that showed the Fleet with the Nexus 3 speed wheel set and we agreed upon a trade.

Met up with him and his bride today and after talking bikes and the hobby for a bit in the 102 degree heat we swapped bikes and were on our way. It was great meeting Jerry and his wife. They were super nice and seemed to really be enjoying the hobby. Great to put a face with a name now.

So...here's the Racer as I received it. Can't wait to tear into it and give it a complete overhaul and detail. As you can tell, I also need to find a nice "S" seat for it.













And for the big screens...
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m130/ratrodbikes/65 Racer/DSC_0002.jpg
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m130/ratrodbikes/65 Racer/DSC_0003.jpg
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m130/ratrodbikes/65 Racer/DSC_0014.jpg
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m130/ratrodbikes/65 Racer/DSC_0019.jpg
65 coppertone Schwinn. I've got one coming soon. A little different than yours though Not even a scrape on the pedals or grips on yours. Probably original tubes and tires too. I had to look at the large pics, those stripes on the hub looked orange for a second, but they're yellow. I remember Schwinn making little cans of touch up paint years ago. I wonder if there's touch up color for coppertone?
Hey folks, I know Steve posted some early pictures of the CWC Fleet, but I don't think he put anything up on the condition he put my new bike in before we traded, so here's some pictures.

The Racer is a really sweet bike, but I'm really happy with the CWC. The more I look at it, the more I like what Steve has done. But, I can't leave anything alone....... :D A pair of Creme Fat Franks were on order for this bike even before we traded, and I just have to try a few more changes. I can always go back to this look.

If you ever get the chance to meet Steve in person, do it! Really a great stand up guy. Sheryl and I didn't mind the heat, chatting with him, was such a pleasure.

Thanks Steve, I'm a real happy Trader! Oh, and BTW, Steve had researched this frame and found it to be from 1947, the year I was born! I'm keeping this one! :D





Great pics Jerry!!!

Looking forward to seeing the bike with the Fat Franks. :mrgreen:
Looks like you both got what you like..lol ..Happy to see a good trade work out..LOL. :lol:
Jerry's biggest challenge will be trying to carry that kickstand with him everywhere he goes. :wink:
Rat Rod .... :D :D :D

I just may have to steal that Elgin handlebar basket from Sheryl's Jetfire bike to carry around the kickstand flower pot. A big 'ol sunflower ought to make it look about right! :D

I just recently looked at hotrodjen's build off bike, and except for the pinstriping, we were going down about the same paths on Sheryl's bike. Sheryl chose a pastel yellow instead of orange. I still have a bunch of work to do on it before pictures.
