I guess you can say I have a soft spot for these considering my 1964 Eldorado (affectionately known as Rat-dorado) was the first vintage bicycle I acquired and rebuilt. So imagine my delight when I seen this beauty posted to my local Craigslist page. I was floored to see one for sell in my area, as most Eldorados I've seen posted are well out of my state. It has some rust issues here and there on the chrome, but nothing clean up or replating can't solve. The biggies are the broken fender ornament (finding an intact Eldorado ornament is closely approaching Holy Grail status), and the battery terminals for the horn are toast due to battery corrosion (you know how that goes when batteries aren't removed prior to storage). This will be left stock and restored to that manner, as it will contrast with my Rat-dorado nicely.

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