This bike is my first build. I bought the bike from a kid who lived in my neighborhood. He told my that the bike was way to big for him to ride and he said he couldn't pop a wheelie on it. I traded him a smaller, newer Walmart bmx bike that i had in my barn for a couple years and gave him 10 extra dollars for it. He told me it was in the woods behind his grandpa's house when he found it. I dont have any pictures of it before I cleaned it.
It had a front fender but it fell off and scratched it all to hell so i removed it for now. Also this bike is still a work in progress. This thing feels like its been sat in the woods for about 15 years. So things done to it. New tires and tubes. Polished rims from a 6 speed that was around the same era, old rims were badly bent. New seat from a mountain bike. New bearings in almost everything , All the bearings in the front were gone from the boy down the street trying to pop wheelies with rusty bearings. New breaks from the same 6 speed ( does not work yet ) and a Shimano derailleur ( does not work yet ).
Still needs new chain, brake and derailleur cables, front fender put back on, a bolt for the chain gaurd, paint the handel bars black, clean up the rust on both of the sprockets. and probably some other stuff. I am also not going to paint it becasue I like the Cherry red color and the patina. So that all for the first update all suggestions are welcome.
It had a front fender but it fell off and scratched it all to hell so i removed it for now. Also this bike is still a work in progress. This thing feels like its been sat in the woods for about 15 years. So things done to it. New tires and tubes. Polished rims from a 6 speed that was around the same era, old rims were badly bent. New seat from a mountain bike. New bearings in almost everything , All the bearings in the front were gone from the boy down the street trying to pop wheelies with rusty bearings. New breaks from the same 6 speed ( does not work yet ) and a Shimano derailleur ( does not work yet ).
Still needs new chain, brake and derailleur cables, front fender put back on, a bolt for the chain gaurd, paint the handel bars black, clean up the rust on both of the sprockets. and probably some other stuff. I am also not going to paint it becasue I like the Cherry red color and the patina. So that all for the first update all suggestions are welcome.