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I guess I'm for trying to make this an annual thing just to keep it special and probably generate more and higher bids. ...no?
just my two cents...

Bi-annual... it's very tempting though...
so he donated a frame ...so does that mean u all already have a direction ....? r u gonna do some kinda poll ...or u just gonna wait and see what kinda drawing jeffery comes up with and do like this one ....jus wondering ...MIKE
udallcustombikes said:
Just throwing this out there- Two team Auction Rat Build Off Chalenge. Tho bikes built and donated, highest sale price wins, two members get sweet bikes.

Discuss amongst yourselves.
When I started the idea of the Auction Rat I tried to keep three things in mind...

1. How could the members take part in the build? Unlike the common watch and follow build, I sent out a request to the members for thier parts. I wanted to give them a chance to give back and I found this the best way.

2. Build for the MOST money. We made sure that we used as many ideas that yall gave us. Dr.T and I wanted to make sure that this bike was alittle bit of everything that the members wanted to see it become. After all, yall are the ones bidding not me or Dr.T.

3. Create a iconic bike. Dr.T and I brought the idea of building the Rust rocket because it was a bike that most members had seen and they wanted to follow to see what our version turned out to be.

These are the main ideas that I used to guide me and Dr.T to the last second of the build and I think whoever takes on next years build will will have a great turn out if you keep them in mind.

p.s. If you make it a contest like udall said...I Call building the trophy!
patience my friends, patience...
Nobody is doing nothing yet.

I strongly believe in 'one bike, once a year'. When christmas is coming up. The time people start getting generous. It must feel like 'That one special bike'. Making just another competition out of it means that: One bike is gonna be a loser. One buildteam is gonna be a loser. And what about that bidder who makes the winning bid on 'the loser-bike'..? That just feels soooo wrong. Nobody wants that. It was hard enough to get the right parts for one bike, let alone two... Same goes for the bidders. With two bikes we're probably devide the bidders and that means smaller chances for either bike to get a very high bid... I think it's awesome what has happened here regarding the auction the last couple of days, but we are fooling ourselves thinking this could easily be repeated again next year.

It reminds me much of the annual build-off. People liking it so much they immediately set up another build-off just days after the official one has ended. Just to find out there are barely 2 or 3 others joining in on a build-off that nobody cares about, except for those 3 people joining...

I also agree with Double Nickles' guidelines.

As far as the style of bike...
We have lot's to choose from. Most of us like most of the styles. But all in all:
The auctionbike must be a fitting representation of the site. This year it was the bike from the t-shirt. Who knows what Ratrodbikes has in store for us upcomming year.

Remember. We have to keep this Annual Auction Rat unique and spontaineous.
But most of all, we've got to be patient if we want to keep this initiative special.

We don't celebrate x-mas twice or trice a year either. :wink:
I've got plenty of different style frames collecting dust in the rafters, and I can ship one just about anywhere in the states for less than 15 dollars. So when ever the next one gets started, I've got an old frame, there's no hurry.
Wildcat said:
I've got plenty of different style frames collecting dust in the rafters, and I can ship one just about anywhere in the states for less than 15 dollars. So when ever the next one gets started, I've got an old frame, there's no hurry.

Awesome, mr Wildcat. I consider the frame of a bike the most important part of any build.

Plus... I'm kinda jealous ofourse. Vintage american cruiser frames are nigh on impossible to find over here (cheap OR expensive) and you're just throwing em away...
Any of you guys googled for the Rustrocket yet?
It's getting talked about all over the globe... I came across American, and ofcourse I posted on a Dutch site, but also Russian, and French fora. My French is definately not up to par (never has been...) but I understand that they were talking about that cool rack Mike built for for us...

Bad thing is...
Some of em are using MY pic-urls which is causing my photobucket acount to collapse...
herr_rudolf said:
Any of you guys googled for the Rustrocket yet?
It's getting talked about all over the globe... I came across American, and ofcourse I posted on a Dutch site, but also Russian, and French fora. My French is definately not up to par (never has been...) but I understand that they were talking about that cool rack Mike built for for us...

Bad thing is...
Some of em are using MY pic-urls which is causing my photobucket acount to collapse...

It is crazy how this thing has blown up globaly.... :shock:
herr_rudolf said:
patience my friends, patience...
Nobody is doing nothing yet.

I strongly believe in 'one bike, once a year'. When christmas is coming up. The time people start getting generous. It must feel like 'That one special bike'. Making just another competition out of it means that: One bike is gonna be a loser. One buildteam is gonna be a loser. And what about that bidder who makes the winning bid on 'the loser-bike'..? That just feels soooo wrong. Nobody wants that. It was hard enough to get the right parts for one bike, let alone two... Same goes for the bidders. With two bikes we're probably devide the bidders and that means smaller chances for either bike to get a very high bid... I think it's awesome what has happened here regarding the auction the last couple of days, but we are fooling ourselves thinking this could easily be repeated again next year.

It reminds me much of the annual build-off. People liking it so much they immediately set up another build-off just days after the official one has ended. Just to find out there are barely 2 or 3 others joining in on a build-off that nobody cares about, except for those 3 people joining...

I also agree with Double Nickles' guidelines.

As far as the style of bike...
We have lot's to choose from. Most of us like most of the styles. But all in all:
The auctionbike must be a fitting representation of the site. This year it was the bike from the t-shirt. Who knows what Ratrodbikes has in store for us upcomming year.

Remember. We have to keep this Annual Auction Rat unique and spontaineous.
But most of all, we've got to be patient if we want to keep this initiative special.

We don't celebrate x-mas twice or trice a year either. :wink:

Your point is valid. Suggestion corrected. :wink:
udallcustombikes said:
Your point is valid. Suggestion corrected. :wink:

And I perfectly understand why you and others are suggesting to start building the next auctionrats rightaway. I can't wait either, ...but I also know for sure that won't be the smart thing to do... Believe you me, If it were up to me I'd draw several bikes allready and see what you guys (the actual builders) will build in the next few days. I've never had more fun on RRB than seeing my drawing come to life. :shock: 8) :D I even understand adding the competition element for competitions sake. But I find that the auction-rat rally is somthing special. Something magical even. We've got to keep it magical. It adds value. Physical AND mental value.

It's good to have something to look forward to. Just like the next RRBO. Just like Christmas...

Hope I can make myself understandable with my level of (read:lack of) English...
Do not misunderstand me, I am by no means suggesting the start of the next one any time soon. I believe Christmas is the right time of year for the auction rat. I suggesting some tweeks to the auction rat program.
Just a thought, but isn't Christmas time kind of a bad time for the auction? Lots of people buying presents and stuff and not a lot of extra cash for another bike. Maybe have it in March or April when we are getting pumped up for riding season. Might bring some more bidding. Not that this auction suffered at all but I think it will be hard to duplicate the outcome of this one. Again, just a thought.
I think we all can come up with lot's of reasons why the bike at x-mas or spring may or may not bring in a lot of cash. Personally, I doubt it that a lot of the bidders joined in because they needed a ride. Really, they wanted this bike because it has become something special.. ..and the whole story behind the bike is special and just oozes the xmas-thought. Ever noticed the increase in generousity when THAT TIME 'O YEAR is knocking at our door, in general? Suddenly we're willing to pay carol singers for a cheezy old x-mas song we've heard over and over. Suddenly we are willing to give the big fat jolly homeless guy in red ringing a bell on the corner of the street some spare change. Suddenly we're willing to donate a lot of money to a charity of choice.

...and suddenly there is a guy willing to pay $700,- for 'just' a ratbike...

Seriously. I think December is smack dab in the middle of the season of giving...

(btw, personally I think 250,- is a more realistic goal at such an auction...)

EDIT: And I think March and April is the time to build. Not to buy or give... March and April should get you pumped for the RatRodBikeBuildOff to start building your own bike you can ride for the spring and summer season.
imho. :|
HotRodRob said:
Not that this auction suffered at all but I think it will be hard to duplicate the outcome of this one.

You're certainly right about that!
I'm still shocked about that bid you know...
:shock: 8)

And suggestions are still welcome guys!
I think we ought to keep the auction-rat a christmas-thing with that ultimate christmas gift for RRB.COM
But if you think you've got a seriously good reason that Christmas isn't the right time please try to convince us.
herr_rudolf said:
HotRodRob said:
Not that this auction suffered at all but I think it will be hard to duplicate the outcome of this one.

You're certainly right about that!
I'm still shocked about that bid you know...
:shock: 8)

And suggestions are still welcome guys!
I think we ought to keep the auction-rat a christmas-thing with that ultimate christmas gift for RRB.COM
But if you think you've got a seriously good reason that Christmas isn't the right time please try to convince us.
Remember that I started the build in July and ended at Christmas time...
Double Nickle said:
Remember that I started the build in July and ended at Christmas time...

True, but you had to start from scratch not knowing what could happen, and more importantly IF it could happen. You guys did al the hard work mobilizing the crowd to participate. It looks like that won't be a problem at all right now. 8) The actual build (Dr. T touching the frame) started not before mid september if I'm correct... The way it went with Number 1 was just perfect. Timing couldn't have come any better.

I'm suggesting the builddeadline in december and the actual auction around x-mas time. Just like this years'.

I think starting to collect the stuff for the build and actually start building it in July is perfect. Then we have had the Build-off fun and we're looking forward to the fall/winterseason. Not a whole year long risking it becomming a long and tedious project for the builders. Remember getting all amp'd up only when that deadline came crawling up?

But I'm aware of people (including myself!) wanting to get busy with this thing, so here's what I suggest:

I'll come up with sketches when I feel I've got the time to do so. From now on till July. I'll incorporate ideas and suggestions all you guys and I come up with till that time. Then in July we'll try and decide what we choose to build. The 2nd bike should be a classic icon too. Representing what this site is all about. But obviously different than #1 ofcourse.

What do you guys think?

Write your reply...