2 Cruiser bikes

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Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Sedalia Missouri
Rating - 0%
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The black one was on a local for sale site, it's never been ridden. It's a Huffy. It's real nice shiny black, it's fogged up from being outside in the 20 deg weather. I got it for $40.00. As I was loading it up, the guy said I have another one just like this one, only blue, you can have it for $40.00 too. I don't like the blue one, but maybe I can trade it on something. Both bikes are like new.

nice finds. the top looks like a cranbrook and the bottom looks like a next lajolla, few years older than mine (08' for mine). is yours aluminum too? they may be a cheaper type bike, but mine is fun to ride and has 3pc srankset. looks like that huffy needs only a few tweeks to be sweet. :D
Your Huffy is a Cranbrook...nice base to start with.....

Here's one of mine , how I found it, first mods, then finally how it is now






My youngest son "aquired" it after the final tweaks!
My black Huffy is going to get a springer, and ape hangers. The fenders are going too. The guy I bought them from, said the balck bike is 1 year old, and the blue one is 2 years old. I think I'll pull the whitewalls off the blue one, replace them with black walls, and see if I can sell it. Roadmaster, your Next cruiser looks good, if I can't sell it, I might do something like that to mine. Still snow on the ground here from Saturday, so I haven't ridden them. Suppose to be nice this weekend though, almost 70 deg. Dean
Did you say springer front end, no fenders?
This is my Good Vibrations Huffy.....earlier version, US made...



Also got new bars, stem, wheels, tires, 3spd SA hub, 52T chainring, Electra seat. The differences I see between this one and the Cranbrook (chinese made) is the seat post lays back further, frame tubing diameter is smaller....yet it's heavier than the Cranbrook....must be the steel.
wow... someone around here actually likes my next?! :D i love it, even though its an 08', chinese made aluminum with small drivetrain components (36/16 gearing). when i'm exausted, i love its light weight, BUT it doesn't have that solid feel of american steel. is your next aluminum too? if you don't know, hold a refridgerator magnet to the frame and forks to see if its steel or alum.

i may dig my chinese aluminum, but my heart is 60's american heavy metal!!!
roadmaster said:
wow... someone around here actually likes my next?! :D i love it, even though its an 08', chinese made aluminum with small drivetrain components (36/16 gearing). when i'm exausted, i love its light weight, BUT it doesn't have that solid feel of american steel. is your next aluminum too? if you don't know, hold a refridgerator magnet to the frame and forks to see if its steel or alum.

i may dig my chinese aluminum, but my heart is 60's american heavy metal!!!
Mine's steel.