Funny thing is that their target market is the Old School BMX collectors, and they are making the same complaints to the manufacturers, and they aren't listening, mainly because the small production runs they are doing are selling out. The only way to get the quality to come up would be if they didn't sell all of them, which probably won't happen. I don't know what it would take for them to realize that they could sell way more if they would just bring the quality up to at least the level of their other production bikes. If the "P.K.Ripper" had the same level of quality and geometry as the DeVille I would buy one, and ride the crap out of it and probably have to buy another one. Same with the Haro Freestyler, if it was as nice as the Convert or the Forum, I'd have one. As it stands neither interests me. With the PK, it's these non-original "colorways" they are offering. With the Haro, it's because it's mild steel, and because it's not offered as just a frame and fork.