2012 Fat Tire Cruiser

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Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Rating - 0%
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Unbelievable! Not sure if any of you follow New Belgium on twitter, but I just won a bike from their contest!

Pretty cool that this is the first contest I've ever won!!!!!
Don't win much..."Goldberg, God said, you've got to buy a ticket!"....the last thing I remember winning was a purple feather boa at a basketball game.... I guess it was nice and all.....uh....Enjoy your bike!
dude, you suck. I mean that in the nicest way possible. :D I've tried numerous times to win one of their bikes. I've been to liquor store drawings, online drawings, you name it, I've tried. And I'll still try. I even personally know 2 Beer Rangers that I went to high school with. In Missouri! Oh well. I'll keep trying. I'll even give you a begrudging congratulations.
Hopefully we'll run into each other on a ride and I'll get to take a gander at it.

Hey Jeff, thanks. :)
There are still 2 bikes they're giving away on twitter (you'll have to check the rules for the dates), so there's still hope!

Pretty fun riding it yesterday. I even got comments from a group of road bikers on how awesome it is.