Hey Rat Rod Bikers! It seems like this years Shiny Side Up is exactly one week before the BoX deadline again, and Ive already seen a few members mention they are trying to finish their builds by then too, so who's gonna be there?!?! Im definitely going with a few of my bikes again including my BoX build. It would be awesome to see more RRBrs there this year and set up an unofficial RRB area
Heres a link to my pictures from the show last year http://ratrodbikes.com/forum/index.php?threads/behind-bars-inc-shiny-side-up-2014-bicycle-show-san-jose-show-pics.85551/ . Im sure you'll recognize some of deven_science and karfer67's sweet bikes
Anyway here is the official flyer

Anyway here is the official flyer