That's not a bad bike. $ for $ the cruiser's probably the better buy but for that price I can't fault the 720 (especially given that that's $AU).
This is the thing I'll say to anyone who googles it (we don't have ABD bikes in the states) and sees that it's not a full cro-mo frame, the components look to be of fairly high quality. For the price you're buying the components and getting the frame for free. When you outgrow it/break it you can upgrade to a full cro-mo frame and re-use the components.
This is the thing I'll say to anyone who googles it (we don't have ABD bikes in the states) and sees that it's not a full cro-mo frame, the components look to be of fairly high quality. For the price you're buying the components and getting the frame for free. When you outgrow it/break it you can upgrade to a full cro-mo frame and re-use the components.