Same old story, need to recoup money, need to make room. Bought 2 bikes recently. Was a little rough when I got it, but it cleaned up nicely. Pretty sure it's a 47'. I added the guard and had no light or rack when I got it. Asking 450$ shipped. Rides pretty good. Always willing to negotiate. Will be carefully packed by me and shipped through Bikeflights from Louisiana, 70525. Here's the original sale thread when I got it.
Pedals cleaned up pretty nice. Right side of crank was rubbing frame when I got it, I bent it back so it clears now. Scratched the frame a bit, but nothing to write home about. Thought I'd mention it.
Fender braces were tweaked every which way. Had to drill out rivets. The upper rear fender brace was changed out. The end that attached to the axle was torn.
Beast of a kickstand.
Tank's not too bad. I worked on the horn for 2 days and never could get it to sound. Cleaned all contacts, nothing. Button does move up and down.
Decent All-States.
Pedals cleaned up pretty nice. Right side of crank was rubbing frame when I got it, I bent it back so it clears now. Scratched the frame a bit, but nothing to write home about. Thought I'd mention it.
Fender braces were tweaked every which way. Had to drill out rivets. The upper rear fender brace was changed out. The end that attached to the axle was torn.
Beast of a kickstand.
Tank's not too bad. I worked on the horn for 2 days and never could get it to sound. Cleaned all contacts, nothing. Button does move up and down.
Decent All-States.
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