I've been looking for an alternative to the bike/trailer combo for hauling my son around town for a while, not that there's anything wrong with bike trailers, they just aren't that cool looking, and you can't really go all out customizing an aluminum frame covered in nylon. My neighbor got an old Chinese pedicab in trade and decided he had too many other projects going so I took it off his hands.
This is what I'm starting out with;
I'm ditching the 24" step through frame and the butcher brake/ leather strap brake combo, so I removed the cab sections and started trying to figure out the frame.
Here's a close up of where the front frame and rear frame come together, this is also how you would adjust the chain tension.
Here's the rear section with the front removed
I bought a '51 DX frame from Vintagebikelover24 that had broken welds at the seat stay, it's getting chopped to become the new front.
This is how it is today, I've got to build a sub frame to hold the Shimano 3sc hub I got from carterz and I need to convert the rear cog from freewheel to fixed gear, locate a front fender and a whole lot more.
This is what I'm starting out with;

I'm ditching the 24" step through frame and the butcher brake/ leather strap brake combo, so I removed the cab sections and started trying to figure out the frame.

Here's a close up of where the front frame and rear frame come together, this is also how you would adjust the chain tension.

Here's the rear section with the front removed

I bought a '51 DX frame from Vintagebikelover24 that had broken welds at the seat stay, it's getting chopped to become the new front.

This is how it is today, I've got to build a sub frame to hold the Shimano 3sc hub I got from carterz and I need to convert the rear cog from freewheel to fixed gear, locate a front fender and a whole lot more.