53' 24" Breast Cancer Phantom (Eva passed away Dec 5th)

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Many of you will remember me surely.I had to take a break from bikes shortly after the last buildoff.
I dread to report my beautiful wife Eva K Kelly age 30 has passed away on December 5th 2012 after her two year fight with cancer.

Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear this, I've been reminded so much lately (working at a church) that this can be the toughest time of the year.

My condolences. Let me know if I can, from this distance, do anything for you.
My heart goes out to you! I have thought and prayed for you and Eva many times this year. This is such sad sad news.
RRB will grieve for Eva as welll, because she was part of our virtual family. My continued prayers and thoughts will continue to go out to you my friend. May God Bless you and your family.
I'm so so sorry to hear this :( ....there was a 14 year old girl my daughter went to school with that just lost her fight.I was in a fight for my life with stage 3 cancer at age 32 and the oncology office was full of very young men and women I feel somethings got to be going on it seems cancer is striking younger and younger these days :cry:
Very sorry to hear about Eva...cannot imagine the pain you're dealing with.

I will be praying for you and your family as you deal with the loss and grief.
After seeing the title I just went & read most of this thread for the first time .
Im very sorry for your loss ..
If you need anything feel free to PM me..
Hey man....I am really sorry to hear that. On a few occasions, I looked to see if you had posted any updates on Eva. I've thought about you guys often. I lost my dad to cancer 25yrs ago this year around the same time and we lost a good friend a few weeks ago. I am not sure if you have kids, but just take care of them and be there for them. Take care!

I can not express the way I felt when I read the tag to this thread....So sorry for your loss....
Stay strong and God Bless......
Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my mother years ago, when I was 21, different circumstances but a loss either way. The one thing that helped me was what someone told me, be thankfull for the time you had with them. It helped me to get over the anger of the loss, and focus on being thankfull for having had the time I did with her.

Think about the good times. :wink:
My thoughts & prayers are with you brother, remember the good times! :( If you need anything from me, you know how to reach me.