The proportions of this one are dead on right! I totally get the cool rake verses comfortability issue but don't think you've sacrificed cool at all. The angle of the forks gives it the right proportions in my opinion, it looks downright mean!
I've had an idea for some cool bars that I wanted to do for a while. I have two of these very art-deco stems from a couple of 1930s exercise bikes.
I want to use them on the triple trees like clip-on bars. I'll extend them a bit to put on some grips.
I picked up this seat and bars at a motorcycle swap meet, and I love this seat, so I swapped it out and will use this.
I welded it to the frame using a hinge, so that it comes up similar to how it often does on motorcycles. I then welded on the bottom of a set of kids BMX bars for the seat to rest on.
The jackshaft offset was 3". I had these two freewheels that I bought as a pair for $5, but I've never been able to use them, because it turned out that they were an odd smaller size. Tacked them together, and realized that I put one on backward.
Tacked them together AGAIN.
I then welded on the modified rear of a kid's 12" bike.
This is definitely one of THE builds to follow.
Those bars, those tubes, that tire, those lines.
I especially like the way the second tubes curve in then back out.
It pedals easier than I thought it would, but to be honest, I'm too bent over. I know everyone loves the bars, but I may experiment with other bar options. I'd like it to be more comfortable than it is.