8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Video Added)

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Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Ratrod Raffle Bike)

Thanks again to all the Coasters and every one for a great time!!!! You Kansas guys throw one heck of a shindig!!
See ya all soon!!!
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Ratrod Raffle Bike)

Awesome day! I think I enjoyed myself more this year than any other. I believe that's due to the awesome crew that puts this event on now. I sat down and ate lunch with some of the family. Don't think I've ever done that! I'd like to mention the volunteers by name but I'm afraid I'd leave someone out. These guys and gals aren't in it for the glory anyway I know. You all know who you are and I hope you know how much a part of the festival you are.

We estimate 25 ratrodbikes.com members there. Forgot to get a group photo :x
big thanks to the KC guys for making the trip again. Also to my Brother and Sister-in-law who drove 5 hours to attend the fest.

I'll post my photos. Will be working on video soon. Haven't seen any of it yet but I'm willing to bet there's some good stuff so stay tuned for that in the next day or two.

First off a little video snippet of the pre-fest cruise. As was mentioned, 55 riders. Went really well http://youtu.be/9nBZN284lFY
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Ratrod Raffle Bike)

Lots of winners at the Midwest bicycle Fest but first up just the RRB members that were winners

1018-kustoms was the winner of the RRB headbadge

udallcustombikes longest skid coaster brake. Combined 2 skid total of 138.4 feet

Mazdaflyer recieved the People's Choice trophy for kustom bike for his RRBBO 7 bike the Hammered Higgins

450redrider took 3rd place for People's Choice Original bike.

dos cruiser received the Judge's Choice Ratrod trophy

ndway received the Steve's Choice Schwinn trophy

1018-kustoms took home a Committee's Choice plaque

ndway also took home a Committe's Choice plaque

riveria_rich (hope that's right) won himself a purple pannier/bag
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Ratrod Raffle Bike)

Winner of the ratod raffle bike

Winner of the People's Choice Classic bike trophy

My Grand-daughter. The 4th of 4 generations of my family attending the event.

The 3 $1 raffle bikes.

Great food!

The room will be elbow to elbow with the line out the door.

ratfink1962 and udallcustombike trying the pole tire toss thing. First year for this and it was a hit!

My Mother runs the registration table and sells shirts.


Our schedule

Our MC

Bill the music man has provided the soundtrack for the fest the past several years. We've now got him and his Daughter into bikes.
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Ratrod Raffle Bike)

Cool stories...

A kid approached me and asked me to put the new handle bar grips he'd just won on his bike. I noticed the old grips we're already off his bars. I asked how he managed to get the old grips off. He said it had always been missing the grips. So cool to see things work out like that.

Did I tell you I made 5 tire tosses in a row? I had a witness! :lol:

A little girl (dangratsdan's lady friend's Grand-Daughter) rode around with her basket filled with candy/snack bags she'd made giving them out to other kids.

The recently turned 3 year old who had been riding since he was 2. Never used training wheels.

The "Ride At Your Own Risk" bikes.
Kids tandem, 2 swing bikes, 2 eccentric wheeled bikes a really low bike and a silly 12 inch wheeled bikes. Cool to see the kids enjoying these. Several of them in use when this photo was taken.
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Photos Added)

I had a great time, but glad another year is in the books!

I appreciate everyone that attended, and especially appreciative of the out of towners, the people that drove 3, 4, or even 5 hours to attend tells me we must be doing something right. I just hope everyone had a good time. Tell your friends to come on out next year and join us!
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Photos Added)

Just wanted to give my and mines thanks for a fantastic festival. We had a blast. Our thanks to the cooks too, the beans were excellent! looking forward to the next event.
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Photos Added)

I need to say a special thank you to both Jon and Rotten Ralph for their help with the Slow Race. Since this was the first year for the contest I knew we would have some bugs to work out and Jon's championship experience at the TDF and Ralph's authoritative presence really helped keep things rolling (slowly). Thanks Guys!
Re: 8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Photos Added)

I think the little helmeted guy that had just turned 3, might have been the most amazing site at the fest. He was even doing stunts, standing on pedals, riding side-saddle, trying to skid, future Coaster no doubt. An inspiration to anyone still using training wheels. Heard it all started with a balance bike.
Loved the video...looks like a good time was had by all!

I told my wife it was about a 5 hour drive from here to there and she made the comment that we should try to attend next year.

Who knows, we may just show up! :D
Good times!

And thanks Randy for the last minute tire toss game, worked out great! also a good way to get rid of some old tires!!!

I never did see Randy make five in a row, and I know of no video .... or pics.... NEVER happened :wink:
mikesbikes36 said:
what an awsome lookin fun time!!!! wish we could have something half that cool up here ..!!! u guys do a great job kudos !!!!

+1 !

Every year I hope to make the looong drive to this event.. some day I will be there!
Had a great time Thanks for getting this going Randy.Thinking about adding a Geezer class for the skid contest :shock:
65rat said:
Had a great time Thanks for getting this going Randy.Thinking about adding a Geezer class for the skid contest :shock:

I'd fit right in that class! :lol: :lol: Then maybe a Geezer tall bike slow ride baby & tire toss? :mrgreen:
65rat said:
Had a great time Thanks for getting this going Randy.Thinking about adding a Geezer class for the skid contest :shock:
I might try the Geezer Class. Could we use our feet for stability?

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