A few odd ones today

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Feb 28, 2009
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Natrona Heights, PA- 20 Miles NE of Pittsburgh
Rating - 0%
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I got a call to pick up a few bikes a guy set by a tree for me. There were a few I know, like a Worldsport, which is very tall, but one I have no idea what it is other then a Schwinn. But there is a Bridgstone Kabuki T-3. It looks like a nice bike. Also is a road bike that has ITOH on it. There were also a couple others, but nothing notable. Huffy 24" woman's montain and a rusty 3-speed.

It looks like the red Schwinn roadbike was painted by the same guy that painted the mystery bike.





Odd but useful. The Bridgestone is cool. The Schiwnn bannana is interesting. Older chainguard but new other parts.
I like the Bridgestone one too. It doesn't need much so I will fix it. It is a 3-speed, the cable is mising. Someone took a piece of a stick and jambed it under the lever on the hug to keep it in gear to ride. Everything else works.

The bananna seat bike is a real mystery. I have posted about it on several forums with little response. I had expected to find out what it was in a few minutes, but no one has been able to tell me anything for sure.

I am having trouble with decodeing the serial #. I get either 52 or 64. The only response I got was a guess that it was a 50's heavyweight that someone put the seat and bars on. Serial B45781

It has an odd chain guard, and a old looking New Departure rear hub. Somebody did a horrible repaint but it all the rest of the stuff looks original. At least I think it is, but of course I don't know what it is. Oh and the Head-badge is gone.

I guess it could be that old. It is funny, on Saturday I was moving the pile of bikes I had by my garage and found an old Huffy. The frame looks a lot like this one. Sting Ray like, only bigger. It has 26" wheels. I also found anothet mountain bike fork on a Next like the one I made my son's chopper out of. I am planning on doing another chopper out of the 2 of them. I kind of hated trashing the Next bike just to get the fork. It is a dual suspension mountain bike that looks like it was never ridden, or not much. It came from the unclaimed bikes at the local police dept. I couldn't pass on the fork though. I will stripo the rast down and use the parts on something else. I guess I could put a differant style fork on it, but what fun would that be.

The new chopper is going to be much like my other one. But this time I am going to make it a 3-speed and put hand brakes on it for that chopper look. I just wish I had a stick shifter for it. I think I will try and make a twist shifter work, but then I won't be able to have any cool grips. I will have to see what developes along the way.
Your Scwinn Dates 3/4 to 3/31 of 1952, too few digits to be a 64. On the ten speed reading itoh, add a C for Citoh. A mid grade road bike offering from Italy. :wink: Later & PEACE!!! :mrgreen: