a few questions for low budget people

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Jan 15, 2008
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Hello everyone. new member but have been admiring for a while now. ive always loved cruisers and own a few myself but im just now getting into building cruisers. im a BMX rider so i know my way around a bike and have re-built alot of BMX 20" bikes but never a cruiser. So basically my questions are how have alot of you lower budget guys found ways to make a good bike. im a young kid (22) and not exactly the richest man alive so i was wondering little hints on how to make a good looking bike on a low budget, i have a friend who welds and a studio so i have that stuff covered thankfully. but i cant afford alot of power tools and nice paint sprayers and what not. so little tips would be nice. like i said ive built bmx bikes but intensions were never to look presentable but functionable. so anything will help. thanks a ton.
Hacksaw, tube bender, tag sale bikes, rattle cans (great way to learn how to paint). IMAGINATION! If you mess something up, so what, do it over, or move on. I've entered a Bantam in the Kid Bike Build Off, my first time for a build off. If I ruin it, at least I had fun, and hopefully I learn something. :wink:
as far as nice looks go, either learn to appreciate rust or learn how to paint the best you can. as far as rattle can stuff, ive always found krylon fusion works the best for me, it costs a little bit more than the .99 cans but it holds and sets alot better. but if you dont prep the frame (or the other parts your painting) you might as well not have painted it at all. always use a grease and wax remover. if a frame has good paint paint but a few rusty spots. i clean up the rusty areas only and prime them by theirselves. then give the whole part another good sandin and prime the whole thing before addin color.
thanks guys. im familiar with how to use a paint can. i did graffiti for a good couple years i just didnt know how well krylon would hold on a bike. thanks for the advice though anything helps, im excited to start building some stuff up hopefully ill have some pictures soon, i miss messing with bikes. thanks again
Ark,I was'nt born with the knowledge of what I know now about bikes (or anything else)

Dont be afraide to ask questions and/or make mistakes

We have all done it and we are here to help.
what can be said? just start to build within your buget...and go from there! rattle can paint is great! the more you get into this hobby the more you will find, learn, sell and trade.

have no fear it will all come in time.

We don't have a pipe bender so we take and cut up bikes that have the specific bend we want.
Then sleave them and weld. The bikes we find in the trash so no cost there.

Rattle can works great.

As far as the rest is what everyone else has already said.