A Huffy Pro Thunder like you have ever seen them before....

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Apr 2, 2009
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On my computer!
Rating - 100%
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Just finished this project and thought I would share! :D





That looks great!! mine is just hangin on the wall with its twin Open Road.I saw one done in full aftermarket 80s race parts that was absolutly amazing.
Well if you must here the truth....
This is more of a low budget approach like I would have built back in the day!

I was 14 in 1986! Rockin to Metallica and Slayer and just discovering the Freestyle bikes! The small mid western town we lived in at the time had a few guys on GT's but for the most part kids had the low budget bikes. I asked my parents to get me a BMX Freestyle bike so they made me a deal. They would pay me everyday to take out the trash and keep my room clean and they would pay me $2 each day until we could get a bike. Well, I kept my end and built up some cash but my mom thought I needed a 10 speed because I was tall. So I ended up with a Huffy Omni 10. :oops:

I tried to tear it up so I wouldn't have to ride it anymore and suffer further embarrassment. I rode wheelies on it, and jumped curbs too. I bent the rims but found I could nearly straighten them with my knees being forced against it to get me home.

Soon, I hustled around and grabbed parts from a local back yard bike builder and a few friends. I made a bike from a little of everything. I repainted each part to look similar to the dream GT's I wanted. It was a chrome frame, with purple mags. I never could get brake going at the time so I used my foot against the tire. When I tried to take the bike home my mom told me to not bring anymore bikes home so i had to sneak around after that. I kept it stored about a block from my house in an old drain that ran under the rail road tracks.

One day I went to ride it and it was gone. I was bummed! I slowly built another after but that became a common practice for me. Later I looked back on the stolen bike and kind of got a laugh that my junk home made bike was cool enough to get itself stolen! Thanks for reading! :D cool
If you had told me Pro Thunders would be worth something in 1984 I'd have said you were nuts!!!!
Betting I ghost rode, jumped, abused, and destroyed a dozen myself!
Nice looking bikes guys!
I rode the crud out of those things back in the day. Most kids when I was young had either GT's or Dynos, and we'd all go to "The Jumps" behind UCT park and behind what used to be the Continental Steel plant. We are talking huge 20 foot ramps! I remember distinctly taking a number of Huffy, Ross, Murry, and other cheap bikes and throwing my built wheel set on them and thrashing it till the frame broke in half then I'd remove my wheels, seat, and bars and leave the frame for dead. Probably a few hundred broken frames back there buried in the weeds. :lol:

As they say Scars are just Tattoos with better stories.

PS I remember doing the same brake system to 99.9% of my bikes. I learned to drift bikes around corners by doing that too. Probably went through 2-3 tires a month. :mrgreen:
Here is the pro lightning i had(wish i hadn't sold it but i was to small for me), all original except tires and grips.Even has the plate. :D

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