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-=RaTb0y=- said:

I told Steve what I thought of this site even before I was a member !!
Way better than the Paris Hilton Fan Club page, even !!!

Wait...this isn't the Paris Hilton Fan Club? Man, I thought all this black and red bike stuff was kinda weird...

Thanks Steve.

You have built a great community here on the site. High energy, low flame. The creativity that comes out of this site is unbelievable. The friendly atmosphere and networking that occurs here only make this hobby that much more enjoyable.

I think the number of CBN members that you have attracted tells a great deal about the quality of your site, you have assembled quite a talented cast of members here.

I really like the way you have contined to expand the sub topics too.

Keep up the good work. I look forward to years of Rat goodness. Maybe at some point we can even organize a Ratrodbikes Rondevous, a Laconia or Sturgis like event for bicycles.

62Higgins said:
Keep up the good work. I look forward to years of Rat goodness. Maybe at some point we can even organize a Ratrodbikes Rondevous, a Laconia or Sturgis like event for bicycles.


That's a great idea. I wonder if one exists already?
Hey Skoda, don't you think KC would be a great place for a get-together? Central part of the country, GREAT BBQ, cheap hotel rates, plenty of parks (or drive in's) to have a get-together, GREAT BBQ, friendly folks, my sister-in-law lives in Raytown so free lodging for me, GREAT BBQ, good flea markets...did I mention GREAT BBQ?

I think KC in the spring or fall would be a great place for a "thang" (although it's too hot in the summer). Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.


A big thanks. I'm still new to the site but this is a great place and your doing an awesome job.

thank you steve your the man. this is my fav site on the net sorry i have not been around lateley but i plan on changing that. everyone here is super cool and i have made aome really good friends that otherwise i probably would have not met otherwise. thanks again
steve thx to your site ive met great people on line and hope to do travelling abroad and meet a bunch a you guys! this place is a part of my morning coffee! being new and all theres kind a idea that struck me thats on another site heres the link http://www.tikiroom.com/tikicentral/bb/index.php they have a buy in for grand members! a dollar or somthing you get a crown in your avtar i think i would support this maybe a flaming helmet or chopper bike with rider for life slogan ! my three scence chow fer now!! see ya on the street :mrgreen:
if it werent for this forum, i might be into smack or assorted trouble on the streets (or have spending cash). thanks steve!
Yep, Steve does a GREAT job. I don't post much here, but do read quite a bit, and have since joining. It's been fun to see the mighty oak spring from a nut.... Sorry Steve, couldn't resist. :lol:

Thanks for all your work.... HARD work!

Rat Royale
Roland C (REC elsewhere)
Steve, your site is an addiction. Well, maybe that's not clinically the correct term. Rat rod bikes and customizing are an addiction. Being around good people is an addiction. You my friend are an ENABLER! You are the one that makes it possible for us to fulfill our NEED. Many thanks to you for hosting the site and many thanks to those willing to share their expertise!

Best Regards,

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