Lawd, Lawd I've been gone too long, but glow Ray, Hal and Louie I've come back to preach a quick bike stand thumpin sermin. Can I get a witness? How's this for a ratter? A little hard on the booty and tuff to steer, but who's to complain?

Upper Class White Trash said:flip it over and see if it says "if found return to j e s u s" man bro did you dig that up next to a dinosaur.... lol not in bad shape though. lookin forward to see it when it's done.
hey rat rod
censorship is a little on the tight side if i can't say beep < j e s u s in a non blasphemy way
Rat Rod said:Bout time we heard from Pastor Rat in these's been a while. :wink:
Some of the boys have been wondering where you went.
Brutha UCWT, we all are going to return someday.... :roll: someplace. Done? Stick a fork in it! Can I get a witness?Upper Class White Trash said:flip it over and see if it says "if found return to j e s u s" man bro did you dig that up next to a dinosaur.... lol not in bad shape though. lookin forward to see it when it's done.
hey rat rod
censorship is a little on the tight side if i can't say beep < j e s u s in a non blasphemy way
Upper Class White Trash said:hey rat rod
censorship is a little on the tight side if i can't say beep < j e s u s in a non blasphemy way