Not mine unfortunately, but owned by:
Fred Rompelberg,
Maastricht, the Netherlands,
eldest professional cyclist in the world,
current holder of the Absolute Speed World Record Cycling
with 268,831 km/h.:

Rider: Fred Rompelberg, Maastricht, The Netherlands;
age 50 (1995), height 6 ft, weight 170 lb;
married, two children;
current holder of 10 various bicycle world records.
Design: Dave Tesch, San Diego, San Marcas CA.
Built by: Dave Tesch, San Diego, San Marcas CA.
Cost: US $ 12,000.-.
Gears: Double reduction gearing,
primary built by Cook Brothers,
70 / 13 teeth - 60 / 15 teeth,
covering 114,2 ft distance with one pedal system rotation
(fourfold of a normal 10-speed gearing).
Wheelbase: 57 in (average of a normal race bike is about 40 in).
Saddle: Leather, manufactured by Brooks.
Brake: Shimano "Cantilever" type on rear wheel only.
Fork: Special Italian racing fork,
designed to provide suspension travel at high speeds.
dampener: Motorcycle type.
Wheels: Special aluminium rims, - hubs and - spokes;
18 in diameter for lower centre of gravity
(average of a normal race bike is 27 in).
Tires: V-rated motorcycle road racing slicks,
capable for more than 150 mph.
Weight: Total of 43 lb.
Gotta make me one!!