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May 22, 2020
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So ive been in this hobby for many many years. I know the terms "Klunker", & "Strandie" and the debate over what makes which one which...But I was thrown for a loop this AM when I read a term I have never heard of before this morning: "BOMBER". Just when you think it safe to go back in the water...
Back in the middle of the last century, we boys in Paramus NJ called our 26" balloon or midweight bikes "bombs," especially if they showed some wear. Lightweight, 3-speed bikes were called "English racers." A friend had a Schwinn 3-speed Corvette; we weren't sure what to think of that.
Would Alan Bond be a reliable source on the subject? think Klunkers got the k when Schwinn sold a gazillion bikes with a k on em
Mom and Dad, in the fifties, wanted a house so big for the lot we bought that they built it diagonally just to have enough room for a garage and driveway. But we couldn't afford to be less than three blocks from the tracks. Land has always cost a lot in middle America. Be Well, SS.

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