Advice on Buying Vintage BMX Bikes

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May 29, 2014
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Was not having much luck buying vintage cruisers lately so on a whim, I bought a vintage 1995 GT Vertigo. Made a very nice profit on the flip so naturally, I am looking to buy more. Have a nice little honey hole that I travel to frequently where bikes usually sell for less and then flip them in Houston where the sell for more. I am looking to buy some more and was wondering which bikes are considered the "Holy Grail" of BMX bikes? The bikes I am looking at include GT, Dyno, Haro, Diamondback, Mongoose, Free Agent and Redline. I know there are pricier bikes out there but these seem to be within my budget. I am looking at bikes up to $ 200. Any particular models within these brands that I should keep my eyes open for?
The only thing I can tell you is that most of the "names" you listed have been bought up by Chinese companies, and there is a lot of newer stuff out there that is inferior quality, yet still carries the "good" name. Do as much research as you can before you go out looking so you know what's what.
Oh i know that. Same thing with cruisers. For now, I have my eye on a GT, GT Dyno, and a Diamondback. All are pre-2000 and made in US. Just trying to get them at a decent price so I can make a few bucks on the flip.
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Sorry that's need to know info only!Dont need another guy out there grabbing my scores!!!!hahaha


I don't go near Cali so we are good my man! Actually, the are two guys, one in LaPorte, TX and one in Katy, TX that are the guys who have the vintage BMX market in Houston covered. I am horning in on their action!
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Horn away... CWC mentioend the museum; that'll help you far more than any advice you'll get in this thread. Tons of info over there. Other than that, like with cruisers: older is better. Rare is good, but stuff that sold well b/c it was popular BITD holds a lot of value, too. Kinda like how Stingrays sold more than sooooooo many other bikes, but they're worth a lot for nostalgia's sake? Well, popular models of BMX from the early 8os are like that, too.

I rode my Scrambler to the cafe a few weeks back, and this guy went ballistic about how that was his first bike, and "what do you want for it, man?" and all that, but when I told him that they're still plentiful and cheap, I was able to talk him into finding and building his own. (Yeah, that's just the kinda guy I am. :rolleyes::crazy::blush:.) But, while Scramblers still ain't worth a lot, it's that kind of enthusiasm that is drivin' guys in their 30s now to spend money on old-school BMX; keep that in mind while you're pickin'. Rare is good, but popular is almost as good. And, remember: some "rare" stuff is only rare b/c nobody wanted it then, and they still don't want it now. :grin::crazy::grin:
I have an opportunity to buy an early '90s Torker FS BMX. Anyone know anything about these bikes?
I have an opportunity to buy an early '90s Torker FS BMX. Anyone know anything about these bikes?

Depending on the year torker check the frame over really good for cracks.

some were bad prone on cracking.

Yeah I started buying and flipping bmx bikes. Found more stayed that went.

Since we are moving house time to unload some of the collection, (GT's, Dyno's, Huffy's and Schinn's).

Probably end up keeping my Haro, and Kuwahara's
Yeah, I'm kinda over the Torker. Have tentative deals on two old Skool BMX bikes and one cruiser. Don't wanna jinx myself so I won't post anything on them until I seal the deal. There are 3 other bikes I may buy as well. There are some really nice undervalued bikes in my honey hole and even if I can't sell them right away, I am confident that I can sell them and make a few bucks on the flip later on down the road.
Scored a 1999 Diamondback Joker. Got it really cheap because it has a bad free wheel. Body is chromed out and in excellent condition. May try to sell as is because this bike would look really sic with some mags. One down three more to go. I'm gonna ask this and hope I don't jinx myself. Have an opportunity to buy a 90's Specialized Fatboy. Looks really cool, but does it have any real value? I'm not getting this one cheap so I am going out on a limb. Help me out here guys!
Good topic.
I have wondered about flipping BMX bikes, but I missed the whole BMX era, so I never really know what I'm looking at when I see one. It seems that some of them are gold mines, but only if you know how to pick them.
try hutch bmx bikes if you can find one , maybe some kuahara bikes

Issue with Kuwahara bikes is stupid nuts prices on them. If a person knows what it is then you are looked at min. $600 and up to buy. Hutches are the same way. There was one local that popped up and it was $1500 for just the frame.

The specialized bikes can be turned but you have to make sure you price it right. There are 4 on the bmx site that one is priced right and the other is priced high.
I am stoked!!! Found 4 really nice bikes in my honey hole and got them all cheap.
-1999 Diamondback Joker
-1998 Specialized Fatboy A1 Comp, large frame, not real cheap but good value
-Free Agent Dust Trailer, a throw in but will make a couple of bucks anyway.
And my prized jewel, a 3 Speed Workmans Cruiser!!! This bike is awesome! I will post pics tomorrow as it is late and I am tired.

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