Afterburn DBA "COSMONAUT", beyond the DIY bike tag

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Re: Afterburner, the next detail, DIY bike tag

Thanks for your comments, guys! There are more micro details coming soon!
I have another headlight coming, along with a tank, some different fender possibilities....
Re: Afterburner, the next detail, DIY bike tag

Dude, I just noticed the pic of the rear end...the afterburner glowin!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
right on!!! 8) 8)
Re: Afterburner, the next details, getting a bit ratty!?!?

Well, here is a new configuration to my liner........ I found some big Wavecrest 26"x2.25" (electric) bike tires on eBay only using one on the rear. I am gonna find a 1.75" tire for the front somewhere 'cuz the 1.25" looks a little underwhelming .. The tank was also scored on the bay, I think it looks good on there. (No Devilwing by any means whatsoever! (Cheers Joey)) I took off the plastic fenders and moved my light rig back to the original off the handle bar bolt position from the front of the springer. Thanks to Brig for sending me out the front OG chrome fender. Good enough for this ride! I will have to hunt down a rear original one eventually (If any one has one they ain't gonna use, let me know!!). I made the mistake of buying some '50's Schwinn truss rod fenders to squeeze on there but there is absolutely no way......




What's next....
Blink was cool enough to sell me one of his Troxel saddles so I can get rid of the taped up mess.. can't wait!
Also got a really cool headlight on the way from France
hunting down a Schwinn to fit the fenders i just got...Ha!
Re: Afterburner, the next detail, DIY bike tag

looking awesome! I like all the little details. The tank is actually a little different than the one I found. But it looks perfect on there ;)
Re: Afterburner, the next details beyond the DIY bike tag

Hey dude, you gotta post this in the Finished Space Bikes Section! It's great!
Re: Afterburner, the next details beyond the DIY bike tag

Here is the finale.... In thee last... steps...................
First it was the rear rack bracketed off the lower bar of the seat (because bolting it down to the stays sent it off to an almost 25° lean) I thought it looked cool but it floated side to side and i didn't want to make a production out of stopping the sway.... :(

So I took the '50's Schwinn front fender from a set I got off eBay, the ones that were way to big to fit, and used it as a rear fender. The first pics are with the original color. I used a small adjustable hose bracket to fasten the forward end (which was notched with a cutting disc for the bracket to feed thru) to the crossbar, between the stays(?)below the seat post and the brackets lined up nicely! AND I was able to piggy back the rear rack,bolting it on to the fender through factory holes maybe for a headlight??!?!?!



I also scored a beautiful Trial's headlight from France and replaced the old bulbs with LED's from some 'click and stick' lights and wired up the dynamo external terminals with a wire and an alligator clip as a switch. I didn't want to gut the thing to figure out the original switch but this works great!!! and I looped the (closed end wrench) bracket for the other light and mounted it back down off the springer as it's own springer mount.




and then after all the green was acetoned and steel-wooled off.



I really love how this turned out! Although it maybe balancing between cool old junker hot rod and an '84 Nissan with every aftermarket item ever... i don't know....

JoeyMac said:
Hey dude, you gotta post this in the Finished Space Bikes Section! It's great!
Thanks I will get to take some Good final shots soon for the gallery!!!
i really like your style bro. i love how you keep moving on this project and try a lot of cool things. Honestly, if i would have never seen the way it looked prior to the new mods. i would have nothing to compare it to and i would completely LOVE it!! BUT... i think the simplicity of the last version was alot more to the point and held a theme. It might be heading into the pep boys aftermarket modification aisle. but dude seriously, like i said in my post on my spaceliner build. I am inspired by your ideas, and if it wasnt for your bike bro, i wouldnt be restoring mine right thanks
you know what!! i have been staring at this bike a bit and i think the only thing throwing me off is the rear fender. because when i see it without the rear fender on i get a fuzzy feeling inside. damn i love this bike
coffeespecial said:
i really like your style bro. i love how you keep moving on this project and try a lot of cool things. Honestly, if i would have never seen the way it looked prior to the new mods. i would have nothing to compare it to and i would completely LOVE it!! BUT... i think the simplicity of the last version was alot more to the point and held a theme. It might be heading into the pep boys aftermarket modification aisle. but dude seriously, like i said in my post on my spaceliner build. I am inspired by your ideas, and if it wasnt for your bike bro, i wouldnt be restoring mine right thanks
That's cool man! Thanks for the comments i love how this site is an endless source of inspiration foe all of us riderz!!! This bike will probably eventually go back to the black fender version (Ver. 3.0) as soon as i can locate a rear fender that will actually fit this thing, it's pretty narrow back there! I could help myself, though, especially w/ ALL the other great space bike transformations, I HAD to take it to such an extreme. But it weighs 52 lbs now and that's a little crazy! :shock:
52 POUNDS!! that is more than my downhill race bike, and that thing is a tank!HAHA thats funny.. i cant wait till my space liner is complete...i wanna cruise it!! i think we have a friend in common cos when i went to view your bike on myspace i noticed SPIRALHAUS. serj is my bro. thats cool.. maybe we can cruise this summer or something... hey if you know where i can get a new fork for my spaceliner i found a gnarly crack in mine and i cant weld it up... so i need another one or i have to figure something else out.... be sure to check out my build in the space build off..

keep up the sweet work dude.

by the way i forgot to mention how much i LOVE the mirror!! im looking for one as we speak... looks BADASS!
coffeespecial said:
52 POUNDS!! that is more than my downhill race bike, and that thing is a tank!HAHA thats funny.. i cant wait till my space liner is complete...i wanna cruise it!! i think we have a friend in common cos when i went to view your bike on myspace i noticed SPIRALHAUS. serj is my bro. thats cool.. maybe we can cruise this summer or something... hey if you know where i can get a new fork for my spaceliner i found a gnarly crack in mine and i cant weld it up... so i need another one or i have to figure something else out.... be sure to check out my build in the space build off..

keep up the sweet work dude.

by the way i forgot to mention how much i LOVE the mirror!! im looking for one as we speak... looks beep!

Cool man, Serj is way cool ya I've know him almost 12 years now! Ya I wanna get a small group together some time for cruising 'n' bar hoppin' or something!

Hmmmm..... as far as that fork problem..... ask around on this site and you may find someone whose swapping it out for something different! I've seen a few different
kinds of springers on the space bikes so you can;t really go wrong with another brand's offering just make sure it's the right size!

There is a bike shop in South Pas on south Fair Oaks where I got the mirror for ten bucks or so and they had a few of 'em!!!!!

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